Award ceremony “Viva Marga” in Trieste On 28 May 2024, the awards ceremony for the “Viva Marga” competition (, intended for schools in Florence, Trieste, and […]
A study conducted by researchers from the CNR-INO (M. Santoro and F. A. Gorelli) and CNR-IOM Institutes, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Edinburgh, and Institut […]
From Renaissance lanterns to modern lasers. Four hundred years after Galileo’s experiment, who tried in vain to measure the speed of light from his home in […]
The second edition of “Il Senso delle Stelle” has been inaugurated at Villa Galileo, an artist residency project to spread scientific culture through a rich and […]
25 years after the signing of the first CNR – National Institute of Optics and Opificio delle Pietre Dure di Firenze (Ministry of Culture) collaboration agreement, […]
The CNR-INO inaugurates a new cycle of seminars which aim to highlight scientific research with high potential for impact on society. In the first appointment researcher […]
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