CNR-INO at the Comics&Science Palace in Lucca: Three Days of Science and Fun!
November 5, 2024Review on Quantum Mixtures
November 20, 2024Quantum Phases and Vortex Dynamics in Interacting Superfluids: the QUANTAMI project
Quantum Atomic Mixtures: Droplets, Topological Structures, and Vortices – QUANTAMI – is part of the PRIN2022 projects promoted by the MUR.
The QUANTAMI project has an ambitious goal: to explore novel matter phases and quantum phenomena arising in interacting multicomponent superfluids. Researchers utilize a tunable potassium-rubidium (K-Rb) quantum mixture manipulated in optical potentials to realize and study topological superfluid structures, such as rings and shells, as well as exotic vortex states and rotating droplets. The research will delve into the complex interplay among interactions, quantum fluctuations, topological excitations, and dimensionality.
How Does QUANTAMI Work?
The QUANTAMI team is investigating vortex excitations and quantum transport in coupled superfluids. This approach allows them to understand how different components interact with one another and how these interactions influence the macroscopic properties of the system.
Why Is It Important?
The experiments conducted by QUANTAMI will provide a comprehensive picture of a two-component bosonic mixture across its phase diagram. These findings are crucial for advancing them understanding of superfluid physics and its potential applications in future technologies.
Project Goals:
- Explore novel matter phases.
- Study non-trivial superfluid geometries.
Who is Participating?
CNR-INO, Unit Leader, Research Alessia Burchianti
University of Parma, Unit Leader, Pr Sandro Wimberger
University of Padua, Coordinator, Pr Luca Salasnich
For more details about the project, you can contact
You can read more about the QUANTAMI project at
The project QUANTAMI is funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU. Website PRIN: