The Quantum Revolution: the First Event of the National Institute for Quantum Sciences and Technologies presented at SISSA in Trieste
January 22, 2024
False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids
January 29, 2024The CNR National Institute of Optics participates in the inauguration of two new quantum physics laboratories at the University of Trieste. These are the ArQuS (Artificial Quantum Systems) laboratory, in which artificial quantum systems will be studied through the control of single atoms, and the QCI (Quantum Communication and Information) quantum communication laboratory, in which the research and technological development of new solutions for quantum communications on optical fiber and in free space.
The laboratories, which are located in the Cnr spaces in the Area Science Park of Basovizza, are directed by Francesco Scazza, associate professor of matter physics of the UniTS Physics department and by Alessandro Zavatta, senior research scientist of the National Institute of Optics of the CNR.
More information at these links Ansa, Sole24Ore, TriestePrimaPagina