ORMA on air!
March 15, 2023Enlighting Mind 2
May 15, 202314 April is World Quantum Day! The CNR-INO researchers open the exhibition “Dire l’indicibile – entanglement quantistico” which will be hosted at the evocative setting of the Physics Museum in Naples.
The exhibition is part of the national and international programme involving the Italian Quantum Weeks and the NQSTI project (PNRR).
Coordinated by CNR-INO, the exhibition comes about in collaboration with the Spin and ISASI institutes of CNR, The University of Naples Federico II, and with the support of INFN, PONYS volunteers, and PHOTEC, the industry leader in photonic detection systems.
The programme of the event will also feature scientific presentations by top experts in the subject and discussions on research in the area of quantum technologies.