International Conference on Bio Sensing and Imaging (ICOBSI)
December 18, 2018VISPEC 2019: Conference Emerging Trends in Vibrational Spectroscopy
May 27, 2019The VISPEC Summer School on Vibrational Spectroscopy is a unique forum for introducing undergraduates, PhDs, post-docs and researchers from academic and non-academic institutions into the diverse field of Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy and exchanging cutting-edge ideas with colleagues and experts.
The VISPEC Summer School will be held in conjunction with the “Emerging Trends in Vibrational Spectroscopy” conference. Please, refer to the associated program page for more information.
The School is organized with lectures and practical sessions that will cover different aspects related to the development and full exploitation of advanced methods for spectral collection and data analysis, with a special focus on chemometrics and multivariate approaches. Emerging trends in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption (SEIRA) and Resonant Raman spectroscopy will be thoroughly discussed and tested in specific experimental sessions.
Contacts: Prof. Ivano Alessandri