Ultrafast light-control of the electronic properties of quantum materials
November 27, 2018
International Conference on Bio Sensing and Imaging (ICOBSI)
December 18, 2018DATA Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2018 ORE 11:00
AULA: Querzoli, LENS
RELATORE: Prof. Massimo Capone
ISTITUTO DI APPARTENENZA: SISSA-Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste
In solid-state, most of the materials showing strong electron-electron correlations have a multiorbital character, meaning that electrons coming from different orbitals contribute to the conduction and thermodynamic properties.
In the last few years, it emerged spectacularly that the presence of extra degree of freedom is not a merely a “complication”, but it can be generate surprising new physics associated to exchange interaction (Hund’s coupling) between different orbitals. A similar behavior can be found in multicomponent ultra cold gases loaded in optical lattices to simulate multicomponent Hubbard-like models. We discuss how the novel physics induced by the multi orbital character can be exploited to tune and control the conduction properties of these quantum systems, leading to controlled transitions from metal to insulators and to intermediated phases, named orbital-selective Mott insulators.
[1] L. de’ Medici, G. Giovannetti, M. Capone, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 177001 (2014)
[2] A. Ronchi et al., Proc. SPIE 10530, 105300V (arXiv:1801.07957)
[3] L. Del Re and M. Capone, arXiv:1708.00310
Referente: Giacomo Roati