Tecnologie OT innovative per lo studio degli impatti del Cambiamento climatico sull’ambiente
Calls: Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca e Innovazione” 20142020 (PON “R&I” 2014-2020) – Aerospazio
Start date: 2018-09-01 End date: 2021-02-28
Total Budget: EUR 9.049.470,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 131.225,00
Scientific manager: Nicola Pergola and for INO is: Gagliardi Gianluca
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Italy
CO.RI.S.T.A. – COnsorzio di RIcerca su Sistemi di Telesensori Avanzati
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali-CIRA SCpA
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
SIIT S.c.p.a. Sistemi Intelligenti Integrati Tecnologie
Università degli Studi della BASILICATA
Università degli Studi di TRENTO
Università della CALABRIA
e-GEOS S.p.A.
other INO’s people involved: Giorgini Antonio

a) through the design and the implementation of advanced sensors to be mounted on multiplatform EO systems;
b) through the development of advanced methodologies for EO data analysis, interpretation, integration and fusion.
Activities will focus on two of the major natural processes strictly related to Climate Change, namely the Carbon and Water Cycles.
As an example, the project will make it possible the measurements, with an unprecedented accuracy of atmospheric (e.g. OCS, carbon-sulphide) and surface (e.g. soil moisture) parameters that are crucial in determining the vegetation contribution to the CO2 balance, suggesting at the same time solutions based on the analysis and integration of satellite, airborne and unmanned data, in order to significantly improve the capability of local communities to face the short- and long-term CC-related effects.
OT4CLIMA benefits from a strong scientific expertise (15 CNR institutes, ASI, INGV, CIRA, 3 Universities), considerable research infrastructures and a wide industrial partnerships (including both big national players and well-established SMEs in the Southern Italy regions) specifically focused on the technological innovation frontier.
Expected results concern with the development of applications, products and innovative services in the context of a rapidly expanding commercial sector, with an estimated employment impact of about 100 new employees in regions (such as Basilicata, Campania, Puglia and Sardegna), which already have, among their Regional Smart Specializations,the “Aerospace” topic or other thematicsclosely related to OT4CLIMA, such as the case of Calabria Region, with S3 on “Environment and Natural Hazards”.
The Scientific Results:
1) Surface-plasmon optical-heterodyne clock biosensor2) Resonant enhancement of plasmonic nanostructured fiber optic sensors3) Super-resonant Coherent Absorption Sensing