Proprietà Radiative del vapore Acqueo e delle nubi in Antartide
Start date: 2012-05-30 End date: 2014-05-29
Total Budget: EUR 70.000,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 37.320,00
Scientific manager: Palchetti Luca and for INO is: Palchetti Luca
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara”, IFAC-CNR, Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
Dipartimento di Fisica – Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica dell’Ambiente – Università della Basilicata
other INO’s people involved: Bianchini GiovanniDi Natale Gianluca
INO’s Experiments/Theoretical Study correlated:
Atmospheric Radition Explorer in the Far InfraRed
The Scientific Results:
1) Analysis of cirrus cloud spectral signatures in the far infrared2) Characterization of optical and micro-physical properties of cirrus clouds using a wideband thermal infrared spectrometer3) Validation of H2O continuum absorption models in the wave number range 180–600 cm−1 with atmospheric emitted spectral radiance measured at the Antarctica Dome-C site4) Far infrared spectral measurements of the atmospheric thermal radiation5) Caratterizzazione ottica e microfisica delle nubi di ghiaccio di alta quota tramite misure spettroscopiche remote nell’infrarosso termico6) Thermal infrared remote sensing of cirrus clouds micro-physics7) Remote sensing of micro-physical properties of cirrus clouds using wideband infrared spectral measurements8) Optical instrumentation in Antarctica: Experiments and perspectives
9) Radiometric calibration of the Radiation Explorer in the Far InfraRed prototype10) A Fourier Transform Spectroradiometer for the Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Emission from Ground Bases in Extreme Environments11) Spettroradiometria dell’emissione atmosferica verso terra nell’intervallo da 5 a 100 micron12) Caratterizzazione ottica e microfisica delle nubi sottili antartiche tramite la combinazione di misure lidar e spettroscopiche nell’infrarosso termico13) Far infrared radiative properties of water vapor and clouds in Antarctica14) Ground-based high spectral resolution observations of the entire terrestrial spectrum under extremely dry conditions