Ricerche sugli atomi ultrafreddi al Centro BEC
Calls: art. 21 Legge Provincia Autonoma di Trento N° 14 2005
Start date: 2013-01-01 End date: 2015-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 1.380.000,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 1.380.000,00
Scientific manager: Ferrari Gabriele and for INO is: Ferrari Gabriele
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
other INO’s people involved: Lamporesi GiacomoAbad Garcia MartaAldemar Pena Ardila LuisBartolo NicolaCarusotto IacopoColzi GiacomoDalfovo FrancoDe Rosi GiuliaDonadello SimoneFava EleonoraFinazzi StefanoGiorgini StefanoHou Yan-HuaLarcher FabrizioLarrè Pierre ElieLebreuilly JosèLi YunMartone Giovanni ItaloMatveeva NataliaMenotti ChiaraOzawa TomokiPapoular DavidPitaevskii LevPrice HannahRecati AlessioRota RiccardoSalerno GraziaSartori AlbertoSerafini SimoneStringari SandroTylutki MarekYu Zeng-QiangZou Peng
INO’s Experiments/Theoretical Study correlated:
Experiments with ultra-cold atoms: Study of defects across phase transitions
Theory of Bose-Einstein condensates, cold atomic gases and quantum fluids
The Scientific Results:
1) Quantum vacuum emission in a nonlinear optical medium illuminated by a strong laser pulse2) Quantum fluids of light3) Solitonic vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates4) Dynamical decoupling and dynamical isolation in temporally modulated coupled pendulums5) Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit and critical polarization in a Fermi-Bose superfluid mixture6) Spontaneous Peierls dimerization and emergent bond order in one-dimensional dipolar gases 7) Josephson Oscillations and Self-Trapping of Superfluid Fermions in a Double-Well Potential8) Compact high-flux source of cold sodium atoms9) Spontaneous creation of Kibble–Zurek solitons in a Bose–Einstein condensate10) Oscillatory Vertical Coupling between a Whispering-Gallery Resonator and a Bus Waveguide11) Many-body braiding phases in a rotating strongly correlated photon gas12) Berry curvature effects in the Bloch oscillations of a quantum particle under a strong (synthetic) magnetic field13) Non-equilibrium quasi-condensates in reduced dimensions 14) Approach for making visible and stable stripes in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein superfluid 15) Dipolar-induced resonance for ultracold bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice16) Metal-insulator transition induced by random dipoles17) Snake instability of dark solitons in fermionic superfluids 18) Focus on Bose condensation phenomena in atomic and solid state physics19) Observation of Solitonic Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates20) Spontaneous quantum emission from analog white holes in a nonlinear optical medium21) Spectrum and entanglement of phonons in quantum fluids of light22) Anomalous and Quantum Hall Effects in Lossy Photonic Lattices23) Direct Observation of Dirac Cones and a Flatband in a Honeycomb Lattice for Polaritons24) Probing few-particle Laughlin states of photons via correlation measurements25) Entangled phonons in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates26) Quantum Langevin model for nonequilibrium condensation27) Superfluid light in bulk nonlinear media28) Quasi-periodic Wannier-Stark ladders from driven atomic Bloch oscillations29) Polar molecules in bilayers with high population imbalance 30) A study of coherently coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensates31) Dynamics of highly unbalanced Bose-Bose mixtures: miscible vs. immiscible gases32) Persistent currents in two-component condensates in a toroidal trap 33) Quantum Monte Carlo study of the dynamic structure factor in the gas and crystal phase of hard-sphere bosons34) Quantum Monte Carlo study of a resonant Bose-Fermi mixture35) Impurity problem in a bilayer system of dipoles36) Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo study of the BCS-BEC crossover in a bilayer system of fermionic dipoles37) Single-particle versus pair superfluidity in a bilayer system of dipolar bosons38) Many-body Bose systems and the hard-sphere model: dynamic properties from the weak to the strong interaction regime39) Dynamics of a cold quantum gas40) Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a Fermi gas with resonant interactions 41) Supercurrent and dynamical instability of spin-orbit coupled ultracold Bose gases 42) Superstripes and the excitation spectrum of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate 43) Scaling solutions of the two fluid hydrodynamic equations in a harmonically trapped gas at unitarity 44) First and second sound in a highly elongated Fermi gas at unitarity 45) Collective Modes in a Unitary Fermi Gas across the Superfluid Phase Transition 46) Fast Thermalization and Helmholtz Oscillations of an Ultracold Bose Gas47) Discontinuities in the First and Second Sound Velocities at the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition