Maxwell-Drude-Bloch dissipative few-cycle optical solitons

Year: 2010

Authors: Rosanov N.N., Kozlov V.V., Wabnitz S.

Autors Affiliation: Institute of Laser Physics, Vavilov State Optical Institute, Birzhevaya liniya, 12, St. Petersburg 199034, Russian Federation; Department of Information Engineering, Università di Brescia, Via Branze 38, I-25123 Brescia, Italy; Fock Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Petrodvoretz, St. Petersburg 198504, Russian Federation

Abstract: We study the propagation of few-cycle pulses in a two-component medium consisting of nonlinear amplifying and absorbing two-level centers embedded into a linear and conductive host material. First we present a linear theory of propagation of short pulses in a purely conductive material and demonstrate the diffusive behavior for the evolution of the low-frequency components of the magnetic field in the case of relatively strong conductivity. Then, numerical simulations carried out in the frame of the full nonlinear theory involving the Maxwell-Drude-Bloch model reveal the stable creation and propagation of few-cycle dissipative solitons under excitation by incident femtosecond optical pulses of relatively high energies. The broadband losses that are introduced by the medium conductivity represent the main stabilization mechanism for the dissipative few-cycle solitons.


Volume: 81 (4)      Pages from: 043815  to: 043815

More Information: N.N.R. acknowledges the Cariplo Foundation grant of Landau Network, Centro Volta for the support of his work at the Universita degli Studi di Brescia, as well as the support of the Russian Federal agency on science and innovations, Contract No. 02.740.11.0390, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant No. 09-02-12129-ofi_m and of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Grant No. RNP 2.1.1/4694.
KeyWords: Diffusive behavior; Dissipative solitons; Femtosecond optical pulse; Few-cycle; Few-cycle pulse; High energy; Host materials; Linear theory; Low-frequency components; Non-linear theory; Numerical simulation; Optical soliton; Short pulse; Stabilization mechanisms; Two-component, Computer simulation; Conductive materials; Electromagnetic pulse; Light pulse generators; Magnetic fields; Maxwell equations, Solitons
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.043815

ImpactFactor: 2.861