One year of downwelling spectral radiance measurements from 100 to 1400 cm(-1) at Dome Concordia: Results in clear conditions

Year: 2016

Authors: Rizzi R., Arosio C., Maestri T., Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Del Guasta M.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Bologna, Dept Phys & Astron, Bologna, Italy; CNR, Natl Inst Opt, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.

Abstract: The present work examines downwelling radiance spectra measured at the ground during 2013 by a Far Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer at Dome C, Antarctica. A tropospheric backscatter and depolarization lidar is also deployed at same site, and a radiosonde system is routinely operative. The measurements allow characterization of the water vapor and clouds infrared properties in Antarctica under all sky conditions. In this paper we specifically discuss cloud detection and the analysis in clear sky condition, required for the discussion of the results obtained in cloudy conditions. First, the paper discusses the procedures adopted for the quality control of spectra acquired automatically. Then it describes the classification procedure used to discriminate spectra measured in clear sky from cloudy conditions. Finally a selection is performed and 66 clear cases, spanning the whole year, are compared to simulations. The computation of layer molecular optical depth is performed with line-by-line techniques and a convolution to simulate the Radiation Explorer in the Far InfraRed-Prototype for Applications and Development (REFIR-PAD) measurements; the downwelling radiance for selected clear cases is computed with a state-of-the-art adding-doubling code. The mean difference over all selected cases between simulated and measured radiance is within experimental error for all the selected microwindows except for the negative residuals found for all microwindows in the range 200 to 400cm(-1), with largest values around 295.1cm(-1). The paper discusses possible reasons for the discrepancy and identifies the incorrect magnitude of the water vapor total absorption coefficient as the cause of such large negative radiance bias below 400cm(-1).


Volume: 121 (18)      Pages from: 10937  to: 10953

More Information: This work is supported by the Italian PNRA (Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide) under the subproject 2009/A04.03 PRANA (Proprietá Radiative dell’Atmosfera e delle Nubi in Antartide). Radiosounding measurements are part of the IPEV/PNRA Project “Routine Meteorological Observation” at Station Concordia— index.php?lang=enea. The REFIR-PAD data are available from http://
KeyWords: Absorption coefficient; Backscatter; Clear sky; Deconvolution; Downwelling; Ground-based measurement; Infrared radiation; Lidar; Optical depth; Quality control; Radiance; Radiosonde; Spectral analysis; Water vapor, Antarctica; Dome Concordia; East Antarctica
DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025341

ImpactFactor: 3.454
Citations: 6
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