Generation of high order harmonics in Heisenberg-Euler electrodynamics

Year: 2021

Authors: Sasorov P.V., Pegoraro F., Esirkepov T.Zh., Bulanov S.V.

Autors Affiliation: Institute of Physics of the ASCR, ELI-Beamlines project, Na Slovance 2, 18221, Prague, Czech Republic
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, 125047, Russia
Enrico Fermi Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Italy
National Research Council, National Institute of Optics, via G. Moruzzi 1, Pisa, Italy
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), Kansai Photon Science Institute, 8-1-7 Umemidai,Kizugawa, Kyoto 619-0215

Abstract: High order harmonic generation by extremely intense, interacting, electromagnetic waves in thequantum vacuum is investigated within the framework of the Heisenberg–Euler formalism. Twointersecting plane waves of finite duration are considered in the case of general polarizations.Detailed finite expressions are obtained for the case where only the first Poincar ́einvariantdoesnot vanish. Yields of high harmonics in this case are most effective.


Volume: 23 (10)      Pages from: 105003-1  to: 105003-15

More Information: This work was supported by the project High Field Initiative (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000449) from the European Regional Development Fund.
KeyWords: QED vacuum, high order harmonics, high power lasers
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac28cb

Citations: 6
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