Pair fraction in a finite-temperature Fermi gas on the BEC side of the BCS-BEC crossover

Year: 2019

Authors: Paintner T., Hoffmann DK., Jager M., Limmer W., Schoch W., Deissler B., Pini M., Pieri P., Strinati GC., Chin C., Denschlag JH.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Ulm, Inst Quantenmaterie, D-89069 Ulm, Germany; Univ Ulm, IQST, D-89069 Ulm, Germany; Univ Camerino, Phys Div, Sch Sci & Technol, I-62032 Camerino, MC, Italy; INFN, Sez Perugia, I-06123 Perugia, PG, Italy; CNR, INO, Sede Firenze, I-50125 Florence, FI, Italy; Univ Chicago, Enrico Fermi Inst, James Franck Inst, 5640 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 USA; Univ Chicago, Dept Phys, Chicago, IL 60637 USA.

Abstract: We investigate pairing in a strongly interacting two-component Fermi gas with positive scattering length. In this regime, pairing occurs at temperatures above the superfluid critical temperature; unbound fermions and pairs coexist in thermal equilibrium. Measuring the total number of these fermion pairs in the gas we systematically investigate the phases in the sectors of pseudogap and preformed pair. Our measurements quantitatively test predictions from two theoretical models. Interestingly, we find that already a model based on classical atom-molecule equilibrium describes our data quite well.


Volume: 99 (5)      Pages from: 053617-1  to: 053617-5

More Information: We gratefully acknowledge discussions with Q. Chen and K. Levin and support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within SFB/TRR 21 (project part B4) and project LI 988/6-1, the Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation, and the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST). C.C. acknowledges support from the Alexander v. Humboldt fellowship, the Chicago Materials Research Science and Engineering Center by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DMR-1420709), and the Army Research Office (Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0003).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.053617

ImpactFactor: 2.777
Citations: 11
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