
Author: Vannini Matteo Category: Abstract 

1) Recent advancements in design and characterization of Yb-doped transparent ceramics for high power laser applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Toci G., Lapucci A., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Hostasa J., Gizzi L. A., Labate L., Ferrara P., Pirri A., Vannini M. Year: 2015 2) Characterization of thermal lensing in layered YAG – Yb: YAG laser ceramic structures in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Toci G., Pirri A., Vannini M., Ciofini M., Lapucci A., Esposito L., Hostasa J., Piancastelli A. Year: 2013 3) Production and spectroscopic properties of Er,Yb-co-doped YAG transparent ceramics in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Hostasa J., Esposito L., Malchère A., Pirri A., Vannini M., Toci G., Cavalli E., Alombert-Goget G., Guyot Y., Boulon G., Guzik M., Yoshikawa A. Year: 2013 4) Transparent YAG ceramics with Er and Yb co-doping in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Hostasa J., Esposito L., Malchere A., Pirri A., Vannini M., Toci G., Cavalli E., Alombert- Goget G., Guyot Y., Brenier A., Boulon G., Guzik M. Year: 2013 5) Yb:YAG structured ceramic slabs based on differently doped layers for high energy laser applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Ferrara P., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Gizzi LA., Hostasa J., Labate L., Lapucci A., Pirri A., Toci G., Vannini M. Year: 2013