
Author: Gizzi Leonida Antonio Category: Abstract 

1) Laser-driven proton acceleration via excitation of Surface Plasmon Polariton waves into nanotube array targets in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Cristoforetti G., Gizzi LA., Baffigi F., Brandi F., D’Arrigo G., Fazzi A., Fulgentini L.,
Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Maero G., Palla D., Romé M., Russo M., Terzani D., Tomassini P.
Year: 2021 2) Developments at the Light-Ion Laser Acceleration Beamline at the ILIL-PW in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Gizzi LA., Baffigi F., Brandi F., Bussolino GC., Cristoforetti G., Fazzi A., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Maero G., Palla D., Romè M., Tomassini P. Year: 2019 3) Half-integer harmonics: a powerful tool for investigating Stimulated
Raman Scattering and Two Plasmon Decay in Shock Ignition irradiation

By: Cristoforetti G., Antonelli L., Mancelli D., Baffigi F., Barbato F., Batani D., D’Amato F., Dostal J., Dudzak R., Juha L., Krus M., Malko S., Ospina V., Renner O., Santos J., Tikhonchuk V.T., Viciani S., Volpe L., Gizzi LA. Year: 2019 4) Investigation of Laser Pulse Interaction in Shock Ignition regime at Vulcan TAW facility in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Gizzi LA., Cristoforetti G., Koester P., Baffigi F., Mancelli D., Khan M., Batani D., Galimberti M., Betti R., Scott R., Atzeni S., Schiavi A., Oliveira P., Woolsey N., Glize K., Renner O., Antonelli L. Year: 2019 5) Laser-Plasma Instabilities in the Shock Ignition regime at the

By: Baffigi F., Cristoforetti G., Koester P., Gizzi LA., Mancelli D., Batani D., Betti R., Atzeni S., Schiavi S., Antonelli L., Khan M., Woolsey N., Renner O., Baird C., Booth N., Clarke R., Galimberti M., Glize K., Heathcote R., Notley M., Oliveira P., Scott R. Year: 2019 6) Laser-Plasma Instabilities with chirped pulses at the Vulcan TAW facility in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Gizzi LA., Baffigi F., Cristoforetti G., Koester P., Mancelli D., Batani D., Betti R., Atzeni S., Schiavi A., Antonelli L., Khan M., Woolsey N., Renner O., Smid M., Baird C., Booth N., Clarke R., Galimberti M., Glize K., Heathcote R., Notley M., Oliveira P., Scott R. Year: 2019 7) Investigation on the effects of laser‐plasma coupling
conditions and of foil thickness and composition in
Target Normal Sheat Acceleration
By: Gizzi LA., Altana C., Brandi F., Cirrone P., Cristoforetti G., Fazzi A., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Lanzalone G., Londrillo P., Mascali D., Muoio A., Palla D., Schillaci F., Sinigardi S., Tudisco S., Turchetti G. Year: 2016 8) Investigation on parametric instabilities in laser-plasma interaction regime relevant to the generation of very strong shock waves. in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Cristoforetti G., Antonelli L., Atzeni S., Badziak J., Baffigi F., Barbato F., Batani D., Chodukowski T., Consoli F., De Angelis R., Folpini G., Kalinowska Z., Koester P., Krousky E., Labate L., Maheut Y., Marocchino A., Nicolai Ph., Pisarczyk, Renner O., Richetta M., Schiavi A., Skoric M., Smid M., Ullschmied J., Gizzi LA. Year: 2015 9) Stimulated Raman Scattering and Two Plasmon Decay instabilities in
laser-plasma interaction regime relevant to shock ignition.
By: Cristoforetti G., Antonelli L., Atzeni S.,
Badziak J., Baffigi F., Barbato F., Batani D., Chodukowski T., Consoli F., De Angelis R., Kalinowska Z., Koester P., Krousky E., Labate L., Maheut Y., Marocchino A., Nicolai Ph., Pisarczyk T., Renner O., Richetta M., Schiavi A., Skoric M., Smid M., Ullschmied J., Gizzi LA. Year: 2015 10) A preliminary dosimetric characterization of a small-scale laser based electron accelerator: first steps towards a possible alternative to RF medical LINACs. in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Russo G., Casarino C., Candiano G.C., Labate L., Baffigi F., Bussolino G., Fulgentini L., Giulietti A., Koester P., Levato T., Gizzi LA., Borasi G., Messa C., Gilardi M.C. Year: 2013 11) Yb:YAG structured ceramic slabs based on differently doped layers for high energy laser applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Ferrara P., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Gizzi LA., Hostasa J., Labate L., Lapucci A., Pirri A., Toci G., Vannini M. Year: 2013 12) The BLISS (Broadband laser for ICF strategis studies) project: a flexible laser for small scale test experiments on ICF physics in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Labate L., Barbini A., Ciricosta O., Giulietti D., Gizzi LA., Vaselli M., Giulietti A., Galimberti M., Batani D., Benocci R., Gaudio P., Martellucci S., Richetta M., Atzeni S., Schiavi A., Cornolti F. Year: 2010 13) Fast electron transport studies in petawatt laser irradiation of solid dielectric and metallic target materials in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: P. Köster, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L. Labate, L.A. Gizzi, K.L. Lancaster, P. Norreys, J.S. Green, R.G. Evans, F. Perez, S. Baton, M. Koenig, A. Morace, D. Batani, J. Waugh, N. Woolsey, K. Akli Year: 2008 14) Study of fast electron dynamics in solids using multispectral, monochromatic X-ray imaging in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L. Labate, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, P. Köster, T. Levato, F. Zamponi, A. Lübcke, T. Kämpfer, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, A. Antonicci, D. Batani, B. Rus Year: 2008 15) A novel tecnique for X-ray multi spectral imaging of ultraintense laser generated plasmas in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Labate L., Giulietti A., Giulietti D., Koester P., Levato T., Gizzi L.A., Zamponi F., Luebcke A., Kaempfer T., Uschmann I., Foerster E. Year: 2007 16) An integrated approach to ultra-intense laser sciences: the PLASMON-X Project in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Leonida A. Gizzi Year: 2007 17) Observation of electron transport dynamics in high intensity laser interactions using monochromatic X-ray imaging. in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Leonida A. Gizzi Year: 2007 18) Session 2: Laser Plasma Interactions in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Leonida A. Gizzi Year: 2007 19) Diagnosing ultraintense laser-matter interactions: status and future requirements in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi et al. Year: 2006 20) Electron propagation and X-ray production in relativistic plasmas in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 21) HiPER Science infrastructure in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 22) Laser-matter interaction studies for X-ray production and control in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi et al. Year: 2006 23) Optimization and control of ultrashort, laser-driven X-ray sources in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 24) Possible contribution of the ILIL group in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 25) Production of plasma channels in gas-jets in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: A. Gamucci, M. Galimberti, D. Giulietti, L. A. Gizzi, T. Hosokai, L. Labate, C. Petcu, P. Tomassini, A. Giulietti, Year: 2006 26) Stato e prospettive della commessa di Fotonica degli Alti Campi in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 27) Target requirements for fast electron propagation studies in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 28) Upgrade of two beam laser system in the project BLISS in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, M. Vaselli, D. Batani, G. Lucchini, R. Redaelli, S. Martellucci, C. Bellecci, M. Richetta, P. Gaudio Year: 2006 29) X-ray diagnostics for laser-plasma interactions in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2006 30) A new algorithm for spectral and spatial reconstruction of proton beams from dosimetric measurements in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: E. Breschi, M. Borghesi, M. Galimberti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, L. Romagnani, O. Willi, H. Campbell, A. Schiavi Year: 2003 31) Differential micro-imaging using a laser-plasma X-ray source in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L Labate, M. galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, P. Koester, S. Laville, P. Tomassini Year: 2003 32) Investigation of high-intensity laser-plasma interactions by means of proton probing in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: M. Borghesi, S. Bulanov, L. Romagnani, G. Pretzler, O. Willi, A. Schiavi, F. Pegoraro, M. Galimberti, L.A. Gizzi, A.J. Mackinnon, P.K. Patel Year: 2003 33) Laser-plasma X-ray emission studies and applications using spherically bent crystals in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L. Labate, C.A. Cecchetti, M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, P. Koster, S. Laville, P. Tomassini Year: 2003 34) Plasma characterization for laser electron acceleration experiments in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, L. Labate, P. Tomassini, M. Borghesi Year: 2003 35) Production of high quality laser-plasma eccelerated electron bunches: numerical studies on controlled injection by a sharp electron density gradient in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: P. Tomassini, S. Bulanov, M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, L. Labate, F. Pegoraro Year: 2003 36) Recent results in laser-driven X-ray sources at ILIL in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi, M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, P. Koester, L. Labate, S. Laville, P. Tomassini Year: 2003 37) Recent results in laser-plasma X-ray sources in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi Year: 2003 38) Relativistic electron production in femtosecond laser interaction with exploded thin foil targets in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, L. Labate, P. Tomassini, M. Borghesi Year: 2003 39) The Thomson scattering for the spectral and angular analysis of ultra-relativistic electron bunches in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Tomassini P., M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, L. Labate Year: 2003 40) Towards differential micro-imaging using a laser-plasma soft X-ray source in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, P. Koester, L. Labate, S. Laville, P. Tomassini, U. Wagner Year: 2003 41) Transient ionization in plasmas produced by point-like irradiation of solid Al targets in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: L.A. Gizzi, C.A. Cecchetti, M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, L. Labate, S. Laville, P. Tomassini Year: 2003