
TEN Papers with more Citations by Lombardi Pietro Ernesto

1) Direct Observation of Coherent Interorbital Spin-Exchange Dynamics in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Cappellini G., Mancini M., Pagano G., Lombardi P., Livi L., Siciliani de Cumis M., Cancio P., Pizzocaro M., Calonico D., Levi F. , Sias C., Catani J., Inguscio M., Fallani L. Year: 2014 (IF.: 7.512 Cit.: 152 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.120402)

2) Single organic molecules for photonic quantum technologies in NATURE MATERIALS
By: Toninelli C.; Gerhardt I.; Clark A. S.; Reserbat-Plantey A.; Gtztzinger S.; Ristanovic Z.; Colautti M.; Lombardi P.; Major K. D.; Deperasi’ska I.; Pernice W. H.; Koppens F. H.L.; Kozankiewicz B.; Gourdon A.; Sandoghdar V.; Orrit M. Year: 2021 (IF.: 47.676 Cit.: 96 DOI: 10.1038/s41563-021-00987-4)

3) Self-Assembled Nanocrystals of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Show Photostable Single-Photon Emission in ACS NANO
By: Pazzagli S., Lombardi P., Martella D., Colautti M., Tiribilli B., Cataliotti F.S., Toninelli C. Year: 2018 (IF.: 13.903 Cit.: 54 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08810)

4) Photostable Molecules on Chip: Integrated Sources of Nonclassical Light in ACS PHOTONICS
By: Lombardi P.; Ovvyan A. P.; Pazzagli S.; Mazzamuto G.; Kewes G.; Neitzke O.; Gruhler N.; Benson O.; Pernice W. H. P.; Cataliotti F. S.; Toninelli C. Year: 2018 (IF.: 7.143 Cit.: 52 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00521)

5) Beaming light from a quantum emitter with a planar optical antenna in LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
By: Checcucci S., Lombardi P., Rizvi S., Sgrignuoli F., Gruhler N., Dieleman F.B.C., Cataliotti F.S., Pernice W.H.P., Agio M., Toninelli C. Year: 2017 (IF.: 13.625 Cit.: 45 DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2016.245)

6) A realistic fabrication and design concept for quantum gates based on single emitters integrated in plasmonic-dielectric waveguide structures in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Kewes G., Schoengen M., Neitzke O., Lombardi P., Schönfeld R.S., Mazzamuto G., Schell A.W., Probst J., Wolters J., Löchel B., Toninelli C., Benson O. Year: 2016 (IF.: 4.259 Cit.: 37 DOI: 10.1038/srep28877)

7) Electrical Control of Lifetime-Limited Quantum Emitters Using 2D Materials in NANO LETTERS
By: Schadler K., Ciancico C., Pazzagli S., Lombardi PE., Bachtold A., Toninelli C., Reserbat-Plantey A., Koppens, FHL Year: 2019 (IF.: 11.238 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b00916)

8) A Molecule-Based Single-Photon Source Applied in Quantum Radiometry in ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
By: Lombardi PE., Trapuzzano M., Colautti M., Margheri G., Degiovanni IP., Lopez M., Kuck S., Toninelli C. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 25 DOI: 10.1002/qute.201900083)

9) Triggered emission of indistinguishable photons from an organic dye molecule in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
By: Lombardi Pietro; Colautti Maja; Duquennoy Rocco; Murtaza Gh Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.971 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1063/5.0048567)

10) A 3D Polymeric Platform for Photonic Quantum Technologies in ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
By: Colautti M., Lombardi P., Trapuzzano M., Piccioli F., Pazzagli S., Tiribilli S., Nocentini S., Cataliotti F.S., Wiersma D.S., Toninelli C. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1002/qute.202000004)