
TEN Papers with more Citations by Giulietti Antonio

1) Intense gamma-ray source in the giant-dipole-resonance range driven by 10-TW laser pulses in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Giulietti A., Bourgeois N., Ceccotti T., Davoine X., Dobosz S., D’Oliveira P., Galimberti M., Galy J., Gamucci A., Giulietti D., Gizzi LA., Hamilton D.J., Lefebvre E., Labate L., Marques J.R., Monot P., Popescu H., Reau F., Sarri G., Tomassini P., Martin P. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 99 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.105002)

2) Observation of strong correlation between quasimonoenergetic electron beam generation by laser wakefield and laser guiding inside a preplasma cavity in PHYSICAL REVIEW E
By: Hosokai T., Kinoshita K., Ohkubo T., Maekawa A., Uesaka M., Zhidkov A., Yamazaki A., Kotaki H., Kando M., Nakajima K., Bulanov S., Tomassini P., Giulietti A., Giulietti D. Year: 2006 (Cit.: 83 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.036407)

3) Production of high-quality electron beams in numerical experiments of laser wakefield acceleration with longitudinal wave breaking in PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS
By: Tomassini P., Galimberti M., Giulietti A., Giulietti D., Gizzi LA., Labate L., Pegoraro F. Year: 2003 (Cit.: 79 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.6.121301)

4) Simultaneous measurements of hard X rays and second-harmonic emission in fs laser-target interactions in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Gizzi LA., Giulietti D., Giulietti A., Audebert P., Bastiani S., Geindre JP., Mysyrowicz A. Year: 1996 (Cit.: 79 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.2278)

5) Observation of solid-density laminar plasma transparency to intense 30 femtosecond laser pulses in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Giulietti D., Gizzi LA., Giulietti A., Macchi A., Teychenne D., Chessa P., Rousse A., Cheriaux G., Chambaret JP., Darpentigny G. Year: 1997 (Cit.: 70 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.3194)

6) Production of ultracollimated bunches of multi-MeV electrons by 35 fs laser pulses propagating in exploding-foil plasmas in PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
By: Giulietti D., Galimberti M., Giulietti A., Gizzi LA., Numico R., Tomassini P., Borghesi M., Malka V., Fritzler S., Pittman M., Phouc KT., Pukhov A. Year: 2002 (Cit.: 66 DOI: 10.1063/1.1498116)

7) Analyzing laser plasma interferograms with a continuous wavelet transform ridge extraction technique: the method in APPLIED OPTICS
By: Tomassini P., Giulietti A., Gizzi LA., Galimberti M., Giulietti D., Borghesi M., Willi O. Year: 2001 (Cit.: 63 DOI: 10.1364/AO.40.006561)

8) Characterization of laser plasmas for interaction studies in PHYSICAL REVIEW E
By: Gizzi LA., Giulietti D., Giulietti A., Afsharrad T., Biancalana V., Chessa P., Danson C., Schifano E., Viana SM., Willi O. Year: 1994 (Cit.: 63 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.49.5628)

9) Thomson backscattering X-rays from ultra-relativistic electron bunches and temporally shaped laser pulses in APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS
By: Tomassini P., Giulietti A., Giulietti D., Gizzi LA. Year: 2005 (Cit.: 59 DOI: 10.1007/s00340-005-1757-x)

10) Linear and nonlinear Thomson scattering for advanced X-ray sources in PLASMONX in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
By: Tomassini P., Bacci A., Cary J., Ferrario M., Giulietti A., Giulietti D., Gizzi LA., Labate L., Serafini L., Petrillo V., Vaccarezza C. Year: 2008 (Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.927428)