Photometry & Lighting Lab.

Prism light dispersion
Measuring activities
The Photometry and Lighting Laboratory is a structure included in the CNR – National Institute of Optics of Florence, Italy. The aim of the Lab is to develop both research activities, also in collaboration with others laboratories, and measurements, design and consult activities.
The research activity is mainly devoted to the technical optics for industrial applications.
The Lab carries out a large set of measurements, also following international standards. It is possible to optically characterize materials, to measure the spectral irradiance/radiance of sources, to perform color measurements. The Lab also is able to provide assistance to design or to evaluate optical systems for industrial or medical applications, especially by means of a lighting simulation software, following if it need the realization phase too.
The Laboratory participated to National and European Projects and it is ready to collaborate with other research centers or industrial structures both public or private. The Lab staff is able to implement training courses concerning radiometry, photometry, colorimetry and safe use of optical sources.
To know more
INO Staff
Fontani DanielaJafrancesco David (Contact Person)Mercatelli LucaSansoni Paola