Santoro Mario

Professional Profile: Research Director (Employee)Activity field: ResearchMain office/laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino – LENSOffice phone number: 055 4572490Laboratory phone number: 055 4572530/2515/2529/2509E-mail:
ResearcherID: GWN-3719-2022 OrcidID: 0000-0001-5693-4636 ScopusID: 15835860300
Primary activity: Physics and technology of condensed matter at extreme conditions of high pressures (0.1-250 GPa) and low/high temperatures (10-5000 K). Specifically: (i) study of structural and dynamical changes and of phase transitions in crystalline and amorphous solids, liquids and supercritical fluids; (ii) synthesis of novel polymeric materials, novel hard alloys, and novel nano-composite materials. The experimental activity is mainly performed at INO-Sesto Fiorentino/LENS and at synchrotron radiation facilities like ESRF-Grenoble and Elettra-Trieste. Main experiences acquired: Design, development and use of: (i) high pressure technologies, specifically of the diamond anvil cell coupled to cryostats, heaters and laser heating set-ups: Nd:YAG (YLF) e CO2; (ii) optical spectroscopy technologies: Raman, micro-Raman imaging, and absorption and reflectivity Fourier transform IR-VIS-UV spectroscopy; (ii) laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffraction; (iv) synchrotron inelastic X-ray scattering; (v) synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Scientific manager for INO of Funded Projects: Multifunctional zeolite/polymer nanocomposites, PICS bilateral project CNR/CNRS (Italy/France)Fluctuation-mediated phonon-assisted nanophotonic fabrication and applications, bilateral project CNR/JSPS (Italy/Japan)Progetto Bilaterale (Francia) PICS, CNR/CNRS Nanocompositi zeolite/polimero a funzionalità multiple – Multifunctional zeolite/polymer nanocomposites
Accordo CNR-JSPS (Japan)
Fabbricazione nanofotonica assistita dai fononi e mediata dalle fluttuazioni e sue applicazioni
Accordo CNR-JSPS (Japan)
Fabbricazione nanofotonica assistita dai fononi e mediata dalle fluttuazioni e sue applicazioni
Fluctuation-mediated phonon-assisted nanophotonic fabrication and