Carusotto Iacopo

Professional Profile: Research Director (Employee)
Activity field: Research
Main office/laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Office phone number: 0461 283925
Personal Web page: YES

ResearcherID: P-8327-2018OrcidID: 0000-0002-9838-0149ScopusID: 7003588359
Primary activity: Fundamental theoretical research in quantum optics and many-body physics, with a special interest in the so-called fluids of light and topological systems.

Main experiences acquired: Theoretical classical and quantum optics, light-matter interaction in atomic and solid-state media, many-body and/or topological physics. Related numerical techniques.

Scientific manager for INO of Funded Projects:
Synthetic Gauge Fields in Quantum Optics
On silicon chip quantum optics for quantum computing and secure communications

Analog quantum simulators for many-body dynamics
Mid- and far-IR optoelectronic devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation
Photons for Quantum Simulation

Accordo di programma per la realizzazione di attività scientifica da parte del Centro BEC per il periodo 01 luglio 2021 – 30 giugno 2024 Progetto “Ricerca sui gas quantistici al Centro BEC”

Research Groups:
Topological defects in superfluids
Quantum fluids of light

Others Funded Projects in which he/she participates:
Ricerche sugli atomi ultrafreddi al Centro BEC

Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 221
  –   Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 219
  –   Books or Chapters, are: 1
  –   Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 1
  –   Conference proceedings, are: 8
  –   Abstract, are: 1

Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2024-09-15
  –   maximum number of citations for an article: 2321
  –   maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 64.800
  –   H-INDEX: 49   G-INDEX: 115   HC-INDEX (contemporary): 31 
  –   List of TopTen papers in citations  –   List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor