New large scale intense laser facilities with
unique capabilities will be soon coming online,
with laser intensity never achieved before.
At the same time, a number of dedicated laser
installations are being built or upgraded across
the world to enter new regimes of laser-matter
interaction for particle acceleration and
applications to generation of radiation. In
this rapidly evolving context there is a
compelling need of advanced training for the
community of young researchers involved in
the various aspects of this research, requiring
theoretical, numerical and experimental skills.
The proposed school aims at bringing together
distinguished scientists and motivated young
researchers and post-graduate students
engaged or willing to enter this field to
promote advanced training in the key areas of
ultraintense lasers, interaction with matter at
ultra-high field and laser-plasma acceleration,
with a focus on emerging new groundbreaking
initiatives based on novel particle
acceleration techniques, like the EuPRAXIA
project. Also, specialists in generation of
advanced radiation will provide latest update
on applications to major multidisciplinary
fields, including medicine and biology,
material science and space industry.
Visit the explicative Web page
News by Usala Francesca