In a recent paper of Luca Salasnich (University of Padova and CNR-INO, Italy) published in the Physical Review Letters it has been finally solved a long-standing puzzling problem of thermodynamics:
to find non-universal corrections to the universal equation
of state of two-dimensional (2D) weakly-interacting Bose gas. In 2D systems, where particles move on a flat planar geometry, effects of quantum mechanics are strongly enhanced and, as shown in the paper,
to determine the non-universal equation of state it is required the highly nontrivial regularization of divergent quantum fluctuations. The obtained results are very interesting for scientists working
in different fields of physics: thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics, quantum field theory and effective field theory, superfluidity and superconductivity. The 2D non-universal equation of state is particularly useful for the community of ultracold atom physics because non-universal thermodynamical properties could be experimentally observed with bosonic gases made of
alkali-metal atoms and confined in quasi-2D optical traps.
Quite remarkably, all the results are analytical and their derivation is based on beyond-mean-field quantum field theory within the modern and elegant formalism of functional integration.
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News by Salasnich Luca