In this work, the high pressure (50000−100000 atmosphere) synthesis of two archetypal, 1D polymers poly-acetylene and poly-carbon monoxide has been performed in the 1D channel system of a pure silica zeolite, with the channel diameter in the sub-nanometric scale. The resulting poly-acetylene/zeolite and the poly-carbon monoxide/zeolite nanocomposites are good candidates as highly directional semiconductors and high energy density materials, respectively. The synthesis was performed in diamond anvil cells, starting from dense acetylene and carbon monoxide, confined in the zeolite, and the nanocomposites were recovered at ambient conditions. Materials characterization was performed by means of IR spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements. The study has been performed by an international team, which includes CNR-INO, LENS and CNRS, and is coordinated by M. Santoro (INO/LENS) and J. Haines (CNRS).
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