Webinar presentazione Earth Technology Expo 2021 e “I Sapiens Tecnologici”
March 15, 2021Giochiamo con la crittografia quantistica all’INO di Pisa
May 14, 2021Energy Innovation and Integration for a Clean Environment
The School will be held on line. 19 – 24 July 2021
The primary goal of the School organized by the Italian Physical Society SIF will be to present all physics fields with relevance for the technologies of energy production, conversion, transmission and savings, thus addressing today’s most relevant energy issues. The potential of the vatious technologies will be presented but also the need for more research and development to fully unfold them will be indicated. For this purpose, basic lectures and topical seminars will be presented by specialists in their field.
For more information https://www.sif.it/corsi/scuola_energia