FEBRUARY 9 - 10, 2017 - TRENTO
shedding light on the quantum world
Massimo Inguscio (Presidente CNR)
Paolo De Natale (Direttore INO)
Christian Roos
Simulating Ising spin models with trapped ions
Fiber-link-enhanced, high-precision quantum simulation with Yb atoms
Direct observation of vortex interactions in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
Multi-modal imaging of rehabilitation-induced cortical plasticity
Optical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
The physics of the sense of smell: new insights from imaging insect brains
Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Metal Oxide Nanowires for Sensing Applications
Relativitic plasmonics for ultrashort electron and XUV sources
Frequency Combs Generation by Optical Parametric Oscillations
Philipp Treutlein
Bell correlations in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Witnessing entanglement in quantum simulators
Synthetic dimensions in ultracold atomic gases and photonics
Towards laser-driven accelerators: plasma sources and diagnostics
Infrared Digital Holography, applications
Photonics and electronics for bright single-photon sources based on color centers in diamond
Optical resonator-based plasmonic sensors
Funding opportunies: Photonics Key Enabling Technologies
Optical waveguides and NV centers in diamond fabricated with femtosecond laser pulses
Non linear techniques for the disclosure of paintings internal structure
Metrological-grade non-linear THz generation in Lithium Niobate Waveguides