Easy recovery, mechanical stability, enhanced adsorption capacity and recyclability of alginate-based TiO2 macrobead photocatalysts for water treatment
Anno: 2017
Autori: Gjipalaj J., Alessandri I.
Affiliazione autori: INSTM, Chemistry for Technologies Laboratory, Mechanical and Industrial Department, University of Brescia, via Branze 38, Brescia, 25123, Italy
Abstract: Alginate-TiO2 porous beads were investigated in adsorption and removal of different organic dyes from water. The beads were fabricated from commercial HOMBIKAT type II anatase powders through ionotropic gelation, using alginate as a non-toxic, biocompatible pore-directing template and binder. Both anionic (methyl orange, MO) and cationic (methylene blue, MB) dyes were utilized as a model of organic pollutants. The photocatalytic activity of titania in solution is slightly reduced if compared with that of the nanopowders before assembly. However, the formation of the beads brings along many direct advantages. Thanks to their large size (0.5-2 mm) and good mechanical stability, the beads can be easily dispersed in polluted solutions and promptly recovered when stirring is stopped. The beads exhibited a strongly enhanced adsorption of MB in comparison to nanopowder samples (55% vs. 6.5%). Upon recovery, the adsorbed dye can be completely extracted and removed from the beads either by UV or ozone -UV cleaner treatment. The latter procedure resulted in a further increment of adsorption efficiency (up to 64%) as a function of different adsorption-removal cycles.
Volume: 5 (2) Da Pagina: 1763 A: 1770
Maggiori informazioni: This work was carried out in the framework of the project: \”Microsfere adattative per il monitoraggio e l\’abbattimento di inquinanti persistenti-MI ADATTI E L\’ABBATTI-\”, supported by INSTM and Regione Lombardia. J. Gj. gratefully thank Gesa Hollermann, Dr. Laura Treccani and Prof. K. Rewzan (Advanced Ceramics group, University of Bremen) for porosimetric characterization, insightful discussions and preliminary guidance in ionotropic gelation synthesis.Parole chiavi: Alginate-based TiO2 beads; Methylene blue; Methyl orange; Recyclable catalysts
DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2017.03.017Citazioni: 47dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-01-19Riferimenti tratti da Isi Web of Knowledge: (solo abbonati) Link per visualizzare la scheda su IsiWeb: Clicca quiLink per visualizzare la citazioni su IsiWeb: Clicca qui