Giant Nonlinear Response at the Nanoscale Driven by Bound States in the Continuum

Anno: 2018

Autori: Carletti L., Koshelev K., De Angelis C., Kivshar Y.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Brescia, Dept Informat Engn, INO CNR, Via Branze 38-45, I-25123 Brescia, Italy; Australian Natl Univ, Nonlinear Phys Ctr, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia; ITMO Univ, St Petersburg 197101, Russia.

Abstract: Being motivated by the recent prediction of high-Q modes in subwavelength dielectric resonators inspired by bound states in the continuum (BIC), we study the second-harmonic generation from isolated subwavelength AlGaAs nanoantennas. We reveal that nonlinear effects at the nanoscale can be enhanced dramatically provided the resonator parameters are tuned to the BIC regime. We predict a record-high conversion efficiency for nanoscale resonators that exceeds by 2 orders of magnitude the conversion efficiency observed at the magnetic dipole Mie resonance, thus opening the way for highly efficient nonlinear metasurfaces and metadevices.


Volume: 121 (3)      Da Pagina: 33903-1  A: 33903-5

Maggiori informazioni: The authors acknowledge financial support from the Australian Research Council, the Russian Science Foundation (17-12-01581), and also the Erasmus Mundus NANOPHI project, Contract No. 2013 5659/002-001. K. K. acknowledges the Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics BASIS for the valuable financial support. Y. K. thanks Albert Polman, Anatoly Zayats, Andrey Bogdanov, Bo Zhen, Harry Atwater, Marin Soljacic, Mikhail Rybin, Sergey Kruk, and Yuen-Ron Shen for useful discussions and suggestions.
Parole chiavi: Enhanced 2nd-harmonic Generation; Resonance; Optics
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.033903

Citazioni: 307
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-01-19
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