Mirror array for a solar furnace: optical analysis and simulation results
Anno: 2014
Autori: Jafrancesco D., Sansoni P., Francini F., Contento G., Cancro C., Privato C., Graditi G., Ferruzzi D., Mercatelli L., Sani E., Fontani D.
Affiliazione autori: CNR-INO National Institute of Optics, Largo E. Fermi, 6, Firenze 50125, Italy;
ENEA Brindisi Research Centre, SS 7 Appia Km 712, Italy;
ENEA Portici Research Centre, Via Vecchio Macello, 80055 Portici, NA, Italy:
INAF, Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi, 5, Firenze 50125, Italy
Abstract: The optical design of a concentration system for a solar furnace is studied, proposing several possible solutions. The foreseen use of this solar furnace is to test components and methodologies for solar applications. The analysis assesses and compares the optical performances of several possible configurations. The possibility of employing in a solar furnace an array of off-axis mirrors as primary optics is examined comparing simulations with various diameters and different configurations. In particular the paper compares spherical mirrors, parabolic mirrors with axis inclined with respect to the heliostat rays and a paraboloid with axis parallel to the rays arriving from the heliostat. It proposes an optimal solution, with spherical mirrors on a spherical envelope, which is compared to the heliostat-axis paraboloid. Considering realisation tolerances, mirrors positioning, mirrors pointing and solar divergence effects they equivalently concentrate the sunlight on the receiver. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Giornale/Rivista: RENEWABLE ENERGY
Volume: 63 Da Pagina: 263 A: 271
Parole chiavi: Concentrating solar power; Lighting simulation; Optical analysis; Optical performance; Optimal solutions; Parabolic mirrors; Solar applications; Spherical mirror; Concentrating solar power; Lighting simulation; Optical analysis; Optical performance; Optimal solutions; Parabolic mirrors; Solar applications; Spherical mirror, Optical design; Solar energy; Solar furnaces; Spheres; Optical design; Solar energy; Solar furnaces; Spheres, Mirrors; Mirrors, array; assessment method; lightning; numerical model; optical property; solar power; array; design; optical method; performance assessment; renewable resource; simulation; solar powerDOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2013.09.006Citazioni: 11dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2024-09-08Riferimenti tratti da Isi Web of Knowledge: (solo abbonati) Link per visualizzare la scheda su IsiWeb: Clicca quiLink per visualizzare la citazioni su IsiWeb: Clicca qui