Investigation of the b(1)Sigma(g)(+)(upsilon=0)<-X-3 Sigma(g)(-)(upsilon=0) magnetic-dipole transitions in O-18(2)

Anno: 1997

Autori: Gagliardi G., Gianfrani L., Tino G. M.

Affiliazione autori: Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universit`a di Napoli “Federico II,

Abstract: We report an investigation of the b 1Sg 1(v50) X 3Sg 2(v50) band of 18O2. The weak magnetic-dipole transitions around 761 nm were observed using a high-sensitivity absorption spectroscopy apparatus based on a DFB diode laser source and a multipass absorption cell. We accurately measured the wavelength of several lines and deduced the rotational constants for the b 1Sg 1(v50) electronic state. We also studied the line broadening in the presence of different isotopic species and determined the pressure broadening coefficients. We discuss the interest of these data in view of a possible test of the symmetrization postulate for 18O nuclei.

Giornale/Rivista: PHYSICAL REVIEW A

Volume: 55 (6)      Da Pagina: 4597  A: 4600

Parole chiavi: High sensitivity laser spectroscopy; Molecular oxygen forbidden transitions
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.55.4597

Citazioni: 11
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