Evaluation of surface slope irregularity in linear parabolic solar collectors

Anno: 2012

Autori: Francini F., Fontani D., Sansoni P., Mercatelli L., Jafrancesco D., Sani E.

Affiliazione autori: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: The paper describes a methodology, very simple in its application, formeasuring surface irregularities of linear parabolic collectors. This technique was principally developed to be applied in cases where it is difficult to use cumbersome instruments and to facilitate logistic management. The instruments to be employed are a digital camera and a grating. If the reflector surface is defective, the image of the grating, reflected on the solar collector, appears distorted. Analyzing the reflected image, we can obtain the local slope of the defective surface. These profilometric tests are useful to identify and monitor the mirror portions under mechanical stress and to estimate the losses caused by the light rays deflected outside the absorber.


Volume: 2012      Da Pagina: 921780-1  A: 921780-6

Maggiori informazioni: The work was developed within the Solar Assisted Cooling Toscana. (S.A.L.TO.) research integrated Project POR Ob. 3 Toscana 2000/2006 Misura D4, partially financed by the REGIONE TOSCANA-settore Promozione e sostegno della Ricerca. Thanks are due to CREAR and Department of Engineering of the Florence University for the realization of solar cooling systems, in collaboration with the industrial partners, FAIT group, and CEVIT.
Parole chiavi: Concentrators
DOI: 10.1155/2012/921780

Citazioni: 14
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