Multiphoton time-delay spectroscopy using not transform-limited laser pulses

Anno: 2000

Autori: Cavalieri S., Materazzi M., Eramo R., Fini L., Giugni A.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFM), Unita ́ di Firenze, Dipartimento di Fisica and European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), UniÕersita ́ di Firenze, Largo E, Fermi 2, I-50125 Florence, Italy

Abstract: We report on a two-photon resonant three-photon ionisation experiment performed on atomic barium with a sequence of two identical not transform-limited laser pulses in the weak field regime. We show that our results, obtained by a multimode nanosecond laser source, can be reproduced theoretically by using much shorter transform-limited pulses with the same spectral bandwidth.


Volume: 182 (1-3)      Da Pagina: 161  A: 165

Maggiori informazioni: We acknowledge the support of the European Community under contract ERB FMGE CT 950017.
Parole chiavi: Time-delay spectroscopy
DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(00)00805-1

Citazioni: 9
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