Characterization of open slab CO2 lasers for slab-array construction
Anno: 1994
Autori: Lapucci A., Rossetti F.
Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy
Abstract: In this paper, the different channels can be viewed as slab guides with open side walls letting part of the field be injected into the next neighboring one. When the different channels are locked, the emitted beam consists of coherent strips. The main problem with this kind of structure is related to the amount of losses necessarily determined in the single channel in order to achieve coherence on the whole array. To solve this problem, two pairs of electrodes are constructed, both defining single slab discharge channels with open side walls.
Titolo Convegno: Conf. Lasers Electro-Opt. Europe
Luogo: Amsterdam, Holland
Parole chiavi: Arrays; Characterization; Coherent light; Electrodes; Laser resonators; Mirrors, Slab arrays; Slab discharge channels, Carbon dioxide lasersDOI: 10.1109/CLEOE.1994.636463