Measurement of the stark broadening of atomic emission lines in non-optically thin plasmas by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

Anno: 2007

Autori: El Sherbini A., El Sherbini Th., Hegazy H., Cristoforetti G., Legnaioli S., Pardini L., Palleschi V., Salvetti A., Tognoni E.

Affiliazione autori: King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Laboratory of Lasers and New Materials, Physics Department, Faculty of
Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt;
Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Research Center, Plasma Physics
Department, Enchass, Egypt;
Applied Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory, Institute for Chemical-Physical
Processes, Research Area of National Research Council, Pisa, Italy

Abstract: We propose a new method for determining the Stark broadening of atomic emission lines using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. The method allows the determination of the Stark broadening in non-optically thin plasmas, through the introduction of a correction for self-absorption. Couples of lines of the same species are considered. If one of the Stark broadenings is known, the determination of the other does not require the measurement of the electron density of the plasma. Examples are given for the application of the proposed method to the measurement of the Stark broadening of several aluminum emission lines (Al I at 308.2 nm, Al I at 394.4 nm, and Al I at 396.2 nm).


Volume: 40 (4)      Da Pagina: 643  A: 658

Parole chiavi: Aluminum alloys; Double pulse; LIBS; Self-absorption; Stark broadening
DOI: 10.1080/00387010701300958

Citazioni: 16
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