Temperature dependence of self-broadening in molecular-oxygen spectrum

Anno: 1996

Autori: De Angelis M., Gianfrani L., Pavone F., Sasso A., Tino G.M.

Affiliazione autori: Univ. di Napoli deferico II, Dip. Scienze fisiche, Italy;
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica,Sez. Napoli, Italy;
LENS, Firenze, Italy;
Università di Napoli, Fac. Sci. Ambientali 2, Caserta, Italy

Abstract: The P-P(k=9) magnetic-dipole transition of the oxygen 0-0 vibrational band of the red system b(1) Sigma(g)(+) <-- X(3) Sigma(g)(-) was observed with absorption spectroscopy using a tunable CW diode laser. A systematic investigation of the self-collisional broadening was performed for different gas pressures and temperatures. The temperature dependence of the self-broadening coefficient was determined to be T--(1.02+/-0.05). Our results are of interest for collisional theory and as reference data in atmospheric monitoring applications. Giornale/Rivista: NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA D-CONDENSED MATTER ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND CHEMICAL PHYSICS FLUIDS PLASMAS BIOPHYSICS

Volume: 18 (5)      Da Pagina: 557  A: 564

Parole chiavi: gas pressures; self-collisional broadening;
DOI: 10.1007/BF02453246

Citazioni: 6
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