MIPAS database: new HNO3 line parameters at 7.6 mu m validated with MIPAS satellite measurements

Anno: 2016

Autori: Perrin A., Flaud J.M., Ridolfi M., Vander A.J., Carlotti M.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Paris Est Creteil, Inst Pierre Simon Laplace, CNRS, LISA,UMR 7583, 61 Ave Gen Gaulle, F-94010 Creteil, France
Univ Paris Diderot, Inst Pierre Simon Laplace, CNRS, LISA,UMR 7583, 61 Ave Gen Gaulle, F-94010 Creteil, France
Univ Bologna, Dipartimento Fis & Astron, 6-2 Viale Berti Pichat, I-40127 Bologna, Italy
CNR, Ist Fis Applicata N Carrara IFAC, 10 Via Madonna del Piano, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy
Univ Libre Bruxelles, Serv Chim Quant & Photophys, CP 160-09,50 FD Ave Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Univ Bologna, Dipartimento Chim Ind Toso Montanari, 4 Viale Risorgimento, I-40136 Bologna, Italy

Abstract: Improved line positions and intensities have been generated for the 7.6 mu m spectral region of nitric acid. They were obtained relying on a recent reinvestigation of the nitric acid band system at 7.6 mu m and comparisons of HNO3 volume mixing ratio profiles retrieved from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) limb emission radiances in the 11 and 7.6 mu m domains. This has led to an improved database called MIPAS-2015. Comparisons with available laboratory information (individual line intensities, integrated absorption cross sections, and absorption cross sections) show that MIPAS-2015 provides an improved description of the 7.6 mu m region of nitric acid. This study should help to improve HNO3 satellite retrievals by allowing measurements to be performed simultaneously in the 11 and 7.6 mu m micro-windows. In particular, it should be useful to analyze existing MIPAS and IASI spectra as well as spectra to be recorded by the forthcoming Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer -New Generation (IASING) instrument.


Volume: 9 (5)      Da Pagina: 2067  A: 2076

Maggiori informazioni: Validation studies involving MIPAS measurements are supported by the ESA ESRIN contract no. 4000112093/14/LG. Financial support from the CNRS-INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers) of the CNRS through the Les enveloppes fluides et l’Environnement de Chimie Atmospheirique (LEFE-CHAT) program, and from the CNES (Centre National de la Recherche Spatiale, France) through the project IASI-TOSCA are acknowledged. Part of this work was also supported by the GDRIHiResMir (Groupement de Recherche International HiResMir High resolution microwave, infrared and Raman molecular spectroscopy for atmospheric, planetological and astrophysical applications). J. Vander Auwera is senior research associate with the F.R.S.-FNRS.
DOI: 10.5194/amt-9-2067-2016

Citazioni: 11
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-02-02
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