Mechanical backreaction effect of the dynamical Casimir emission
Anno: 2019
Autori: Butera S., Carusotto I.
Affiliazione autori: Univ Trento, INO CNR BEC Ctr, I-38123 Povo, Italy; Univ Trento, Dipartimento Fis, I-38123 Povo, Italy.
Abstract: We consider an optical cavity enclosed by a freely moving mirror attached to a spring and we study the quantum friction effect exerted by the dynamical Casimir emission on the mechanical motion of the mirror. Observable signatures of this simplest example of backreaction effect are studied in both the ring-down oscillations of the mirror motion and in its steady-state motion under a monochromatic force. Analytical expressions are found in simple yet relevant cases and compared to complete numerical solution of the master equation. In order to overcome the experimental difficulties posed by the weakness of the backreaction effect in current setups, a promising circuit-QED device allowing for the observation of an analog backreaction effect with state-of-the-art technology is proposed and theoretically characterized.
Giornale/Rivista: PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Volume: 99 (5) Da Pagina: 053815-1 A: 053815-17
Maggiori informazioni: We thank Andrea Vinante for helpful discussions on the experimental setups with superconducting circuits. This work was supported by Julian Schwinger foundation, Grant No. JSF-16-12-0001. Funding from Provincia Autonoma di Trento and from the EU-FET-Open Grant MIR-BOSE Project No. 737017 is also acknowledged.Parole chiavi: PARTICLE CREATION; EARLY UNIVERSE; MOVING MIRROR; MIXMASTER UNIVERSE; QUANTIZED-FIELDS; SCALAR FIELDS; BACK-REACTION; BLACK-HOLES; QUANTUM; RADIATIONDOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.053815Citazioni: 20dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-01-12Riferimenti tratti da Isi Web of Knowledge: (solo abbonati) Link per visualizzare la scheda su IsiWeb: Clicca quiLink per visualizzare la citazioni su IsiWeb: Clicca qui