Direct self-assembling and patterning of semiconductor quantum dots on transferable elastomer layer

Anno: 2017

Autori: Coppola S., Vespini V., Olivieri F., Nasti G., Todino M., Mandracchia B., Pagliarulo V., Ferraro P.

Affiliazione autori: Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent System- CNR, Via Campi Flegrei 34, Pozzuoli (NA), 80078, Italy; University of Naples Federico II, Department of Chemical Materials and Production Engineering, Piazzale Tecchio 80, Naples, 80125, Italy

Abstract: Functionalization of thin and stretchable polymer layers by nano- and micro-patterning of nanoparticles is a very promising field of research that can lead to many different applications in biology and nanotechnology. In this work, we present a new procedure to self-assemble semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) nanoparticles by a simple fabrication process on a freestanding flexible PolyDiMethylSiloxane (PDMS) membrane. We used a Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN) crystal to imprint a micrometrical pattern on the PDMS membrane that drives the QDs self-structuring on its surface. This process allows patterning QDs with different wavelength emissions in a single step in order to tune the overall emission spectrum of the composite, tuning the QDs mixing ratio.


Volume: 399      Da Pagina: 160  A: 166

Parole chiavi: Emission spectroscopy; Microchannels; Nanocrystals; Nanoparticles; Niobium compounds; Polydimethylsiloxane; Silicones, Emission spectrums; Fabrication process; Functionalizations; Micro patterning; Periodically poled lithium niobate crystals; Polydimethylsiloxane membrane; Self-assembling; Wavelength emission, Semiconductor quantum dots
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.12.071

Citazioni: 12
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