Results of mid-latitude mipas validation measurements obtained by the safire-a airborne spectrometer
Anno: 2005
Autori: Cortesi U., Bianchini G., Palchetti L., Castelli E., Dinelli B.M., Redaelli G.
Affiliazione autori: Istituto di Fisica Applicata Nello Carrara (IFAC-CNR), Firenze, Italy; Istituto per le Scienze della Atmosfera e Del Clima (ISAC-CNR), Bologna, Italy; Università Degli Studi di l\’Aquila, Dipartimento di Fisica, L\’Aquila, Italy
Abstract: Far infrared emission measurements acquired by the SAFIRE-A limb sounder aboard the M-55 Geophysica high altitude aircraft, during dedicated ENVISAT validation campaigns, primarily aimed at validating MIPAS operational products. O3 and HNO3 observations obtained by the airborne instrument during the mid-latitude flight on 24th October, 2002 and intercomparison with MIPAS off-line operational data are discussed in this paper. We also present results of further analysis carried out with the support of modeling tools developed at University of L\’Aquila and making use of forward and backward trajectories calculations, to identify matching aircraft and satellite data recorded at different times and geographical locations.
Titolo Convegno:
Parole chiavi: Aircraft instruments; Computer simulation; Data reduction; Database systems; Electromagnetic wave emission; Geophysics; Infrared radiation; Trajectories; Upper atmosphere, Airborne instruments; Far infrared emissions; Limb sounder; Satellite data, SpectrometersDOI: 10000000000