Hopping Mechanism Generating l/f Noise in Nonlinear Systems

Anno: 1982

Autori: Arecchi F.T., Lisi F.

Affiliazione autori: Univevsity of Florence and Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Largo E. Fermi 6, Firenze, Italy

Abstract: It is shown experimentally that a bistable system is driven by a suitable external modulation to a region of random intermittency which displays a low-frequency power-law
divergence. This low-frequency divergence is associated with a topological alternation between two strange attractors in phase space, either unsymmetric or fully symmetric
depending on whether the two potential valleys are differently or equally located. This picture seems sufficiently general to apply to most cases of low-frequency noise currently reported.


Volume: 49 (2)      Da Pagina: 94  A: 98

Parole chiavi: non linear system
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.49.94

Citazioni: 113
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