2) Antiferromagnetic magnons as highly squeezed Fock states underlying quantum correlations in PHYSICAL REVIEW BDi: Kamra A., Thingstad E., Rastelli G., Duine Rembert A., Brataas A., Belzig W., Sudbsh A. Anno: 2019 (IF.: 3.575 Cit.: 62 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.174407)
3) Microwave Spectroscopy Reveals the Quantum Geometric Tensor of Topological Josephson Matter in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Klees R. L., Rastelli G., Cuevas J.C., Belzig W. Anno: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 60 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.197002)
4) Quantum phase slips in Josephson junction rings in PHYSICAL REVIEW BDi: Rastelli G., Pop I. M., Hekking F. W.J. Anno: 2013 (IF.: 3.664 Cit.: 58 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.174513)
5) Microwave signatures of Majorana states in a topological Josephson junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW BDi: Vdyrynen J.I., Rastelli G., Belzig W., Glazman L.I. Anno: 2015 (IF.: 3.718 Cit.: 53 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.134508)
6) Ground-State Cooling of a Carbon Nanomechanical Resonator by Spin-Polarized Current in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Stadler P., Belzig W., Rastelli G. Anno: 2014 (IF.: 7.512 Cit.: 47 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.047201)
7) Quantum Coherent Multielectron Processes in an Atomic Scale Contact in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Peters P.J., Xu F., Kaasbjerg K., Rastelli G., Belzig W., Berndt R. Anno: 2017 (IF.: 8.839 Cit.: 34 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.066803)
8) Second Chern Number and Non-Abelian Berry Phase in Topological Superconducting Systems in PRX QUANTUMDi: Weisbrich H., Klees R.L., Rastelli G., Belzig W. Anno: 2021 (IF.: 7.514 Cit.: 32 DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.010310)
9) Spectral Evidence of Squeezing of a Weakly Damped Driven Nanomechanical Mode in PHYSICAL REVIEW XDi: Huber J.S., Rastelli G., Seitner M.J., Ktzlbl J., Belzig W., Dykman M.I., Weig E.M. Anno: 2020 (IF.: 15.762 Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.10.021066)
10) Ground-State Cooling of a Mechanical Oscillator by Interference in Andreev Reflection in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDi: Stadler P., Belzig W., Rastelli G. Anno: 2016 (IF.: 8.462 Cit.: 29 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.197202)