Accordo CNR-JSPS (Japan)
Fabbricazione nanofotonica assistita dai fononi e mediata dalle fluttuazioni e sue applicazioni
Fluctuation-mediated phonon-assisted nanophotonic fabrication and
Finanziamento del: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Calls: Accordo bilaterale CNR-JSPS
Data inizio: 2014-02-06 Data fine: 2015-12-31
Budget totale: EUR 16.000,00 Quota INO del budget totale: EUR 16.000,00
Responsabile scientifico: Responsabile scientifico per INO: Santoro Mario
Calls: Accordo bilaterale CNR-JSPS
Data inizio: 2014-02-06 Data fine: 2015-12-31
Budget totale: EUR 16.000,00 Quota INO del budget totale: EUR 16.000,00
Responsabile scientifico: Responsabile scientifico per INO: Santoro Mario
Principale Organizzazione/Istituzione/Azienda assegnataria:
altre Organizzazione/Istituzione/Azienda coinvolte:
Abstract: The project aims at exploring and assessing the opportunities offered by near-field technologies, already well demonstrated in the area of nanoscopy, in the area of nanofabrication, applied in particular to nanophotonic systems such as single photon sources. The Italy-Japan consortium puts together complementary state-of-the-art competence and facilities for the fulfillment of the proposed goal. Goal of the project, to be pursued thanks to the expertise in near- and far-field optical analysis and related applications mastered by the Italian team, is to further extend the Dressed-Photon (DP)
technologies invented by the Japanese team towards fields of strong mutual interest, from both the fundamental and applicative points of view. –Specific objectives of the project are:
–OBJ1: using DP for the nanofabrication of nano-diamond single photon sources and analyzing their properties with a variety of optical diagnostics, including those based on near-field collection;
–OBJ2: investigating photon interaction processes leading to blinking effects in quantum emitters, both at the macroscopic and nanoscopic
–OBJ3: extending near-field based technologies towards the inclusion of fluctuation-driven effects, in order to improve the performance of the related nanofabrication and analytical approaches.
The fulfillment of the aforementioned objectives is broken into corresponding tasks. The team involvement and the time schedule for each task are listed in the Time Plan section.
technologies invented by the Japanese team towards fields of strong mutual interest, from both the fundamental and applicative points of view. –Specific objectives of the project are:
–OBJ1: using DP for the nanofabrication of nano-diamond single photon sources and analyzing their properties with a variety of optical diagnostics, including those based on near-field collection;
–OBJ2: investigating photon interaction processes leading to blinking effects in quantum emitters, both at the macroscopic and nanoscopic
–OBJ3: extending near-field based technologies towards the inclusion of fluctuation-driven effects, in order to improve the performance of the related nanofabrication and analytical approaches.
The fulfillment of the aforementioned objectives is broken into corresponding tasks. The team involvement and the time schedule for each task are listed in the Time Plan section.