Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage
E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies
Finanziamento del: European Commission
Calls: H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015/H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1
Data inizio: 2015-05-01 Data fine: 2019-04-30
Budget totale: EUR 11.999.711,00 Quota INO del budget totale: EUR 317.000,00
Responsabile scientifico: Franco Niccolucci Responsabile scientifico per INO: Pezzati Luca
Sito Web: Visita
Calls: H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015/H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1
Data inizio: 2015-05-01 Data fine: 2019-04-30
Budget totale: EUR 11.999.711,00 Quota INO del budget totale: EUR 317.000,00
Responsabile scientifico: Franco Niccolucci Responsabile scientifico per INO: Pezzati Luca
Sito Web: Visita
Principale Organizzazione/Istituzione/Azienda assegnataria: PIN SOC.CONS. A R.L.
altre Organizzazione/Istituzione/Azienda coinvolte:
Abstract: The PARTHENOS partners work closely together on all aspects of the project, i.e. technical development, standardization and policy making as well as dissemination activities aimed at the different research communities across Europe.
In most cases, in-depth surveys and other research methods such as expert interviews, Delphi studies and focus groups have already been carried out across many of the disciplines covered by PARTHENOS to identify the current and future needs of researchers working in these fields.
The first step will therefore be to collate this research so that the common requirements and themes can be identified. There may also be some gaps which will require some primary research by PARTHENOS using some of the previously mentioned methods. In parallel with this, the partners will collaborate on common policies and implementation strategies for data management, quality assurance of digital repositories, data and metadata as well as IPR, Open Data and Open Access.
One task covers the specific area of standardization in the areas of documentation of primary data and sources, reference resources and procedures and protocols.
Another task addresses interoperability and semantics which involves defining a common semantic framework, the integration of multi-lingual reference resources and designing resource discovery.
All of this groundwork will inform and define the technical development of the tools and services that are required to create the desired trans-humanities research infrastructure.
Finally, appropriate training and professional development will be provided along with best practice and documentation guides to enable researchers to obtain the best from PARTHENOS.
In most cases, in-depth surveys and other research methods such as expert interviews, Delphi studies and focus groups have already been carried out across many of the disciplines covered by PARTHENOS to identify the current and future needs of researchers working in these fields.
The first step will therefore be to collate this research so that the common requirements and themes can be identified. There may also be some gaps which will require some primary research by PARTHENOS using some of the previously mentioned methods. In parallel with this, the partners will collaborate on common policies and implementation strategies for data management, quality assurance of digital repositories, data and metadata as well as IPR, Open Data and Open Access.
One task covers the specific area of standardization in the areas of documentation of primary data and sources, reference resources and procedures and protocols.
Another task addresses interoperability and semantics which involves defining a common semantic framework, the integration of multi-lingual reference resources and designing resource discovery.
All of this groundwork will inform and define the technical development of the tools and services that are required to create the desired trans-humanities research infrastructure.
Finally, appropriate training and professional development will be provided along with best practice and documentation guides to enable researchers to obtain the best from PARTHENOS.