Laser-produced protons and their application as a particle probe (vol 20, pg 269, 2002)

Anno: 2002

Autori: Borghesi M., Campbell DH., Schiavi A., Willi O., Mackinnon AJ., Hicks D., Patel P., Gizzi LA., Galimberti M., Clarke, RJ

Affiliazione autori: Queens Univ Belfast, Dept Pure & Appl Phys, Belfast BT7 1NN, Antrim North Ireland;
Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Blackett Lab, London, England;
Univ Dusseldorf, Inst Laser & Plasmaphys, D-4000 Dusseldorf, Germany;
Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, Livermore, CA USA;
CNR, Ist Fis Atom & Mol, Intense Laser Irradiat Lab, I-56127 Pisa, Italy;
Rutherford Appleton Lab, Cent Laser Facil, Chilton, England

Abstract: Due to an error, the published version of the paper differed from the final version submitted by the authors. The section starting at page 271 with “The beams are well collimated …” and finishing at the end of the page, and the caption for figure 4 were to be replaced with an updated version, submitted on 20 May 2002, which follows underneath.


Volume: 20 (4)      Da Pagina: 641  A: 641

Parole chiavi: ion-acceleration
DOI: 10.1017/S0263034602204322

Citazioni: 4
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2024-06-09
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