Nanofluids for convective heat transfer devices
Calls: COST Innovators Grant
Start date: 2020-05-01 End date: 2021-10-31
Total Budget: EUR 0,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 0,00
Scientific manager: and for INO is: Sani Elisa
Web Site: Visit Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: ILK Dresden, Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
Université de Rennes 1
Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” Iasi
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Dokuz Eylul University
Universidade de Lisboa
Eskisehir Technical University
University Maribor
University of Vigo
ESIC Business and Marketing School
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Nanouptake – Overcoming Barriers to Nanofluids Market Uptake (COST Action CA15119) aimed to create a Europe-wide network of leading R+D+i institutions, and of key industries, to develop and foster the use of nanofluids as advanced heat transfer/thermal storage materials to increase the efficiency of heat exchange and storage systems.
The main objective of the NANOConVEX CIG is adapting nanofluids to specific heat transfer processes, so that the combination of both can bring solutions that are more efficient to a wide range of industries where these processes play a key role. The main outcomes will be practical guidelines, specifically oriented for the industry, for the safe and efficient use of nanofluids as heat carrier in convective heat exchangers, including also a specific case study. In combination with the business plan to be developed, interesting results in terms of marketable applications in the field of heat exchangers are expected.
Nanofluids are a novelty strategy enhancing convective heat transfer. The innovation brought to the field of heat exchange by nanofluids is the tunability of the heat carrier according to the specific needs of a customer. The following specific innovations and advances of nanofluids go beyond the current state of the art of design of forced-convection heat exchangers.