Materiali ed approcci avanzati per la co-generazione solare: produzione simultanea diretta ed indiretta di energia elettrica da luce solare tramite combinazione di processi termo-ionici e termici/termodinamici
Funded by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Calls: Bando Ricerca Scientifica 2019
Start date: 2020-07-27 End date: 2021-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 10.000,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 10.000,00
Scientific manager: Sani Elisa and for INO is: Sani Elisa
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)
Calls: Bando Ricerca Scientifica 2019
Start date: 2020-07-27 End date: 2021-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 10.000,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 10.000,00
Scientific manager: Sani Elisa and for INO is: Sani Elisa
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:

Abstract: The i-SOLAR project is focused on the study of innovative approaches for co-generation of power and heat in advanced materials.
We identified two classes of materials: ceramic solids and nanofluids (i.e. suspensions of nanoparticles in liquids), whose optical properties have been characterized.
We identified two classes of materials: ceramic solids and nanofluids (i.e. suspensions of nanoparticles in liquids), whose optical properties have been characterized.
The Scientific Results:
1) Optical limiting of carbon nanohorn-based aqueous nanofluids: A systematic study2) Efficient Optical Limiting in Carbon-Nanohorn Suspensions3) Spectral emittance of ceramics for high temperature solar receivers