
Year: 2020 Category: Papers Journals 

1) A scalable realization of local U(1) gauge invariance in cold atomic mixtures
By: Mil A., Zache TV., Hegde A., Xia A., Bhatt RP., Oberthaler MK., Hauke P., Berges J., Jendrzejewski F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 47.728 Cit.: 161 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz5312)

2) Strongly correlated superfluid order parameters from dc Josephson supercurrents in SCIENCE
By: Kwon WJ., Del Pace G., Panza R., Inguscio M., Zwerger W., Zaccanti M., Scazza F., Roati G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 47.728 Cit.: 58 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz2463)

3) Spectral super-resolution spectroscopy using a random laser in NATURE PHOTONICS
By: Boschetti A., Taschin A., Bartolini P., Tiwari A.K., Pattelli L., Torre R., Wiersma D.S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 38.771 Cit.: 70 DOI: 10.1038/s41566-019-0558-4)

4) Fourier-transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy fingerprints subpopulations of extracellular vesicles of different sizes and cellular origin in JOURNAL OF EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES
By: Paolini L., Federici S., Consoli G., Arceri D., Radeghieri A., Alessandri I., Bergese P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 25.841 Cit.: 44 DOI: 10.1080/20013078.2020.1741174)

5) Photonic materials in circuit quantum electrodynamics in NATURE PHYSICS
By: Carusotto I., Houck A.A., Kollar A.J., Roushan P., Schuster D.I., Simon J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 20.034 Cit.: 121 DOI: 10.1038/s41567-020-0815-y)

6) Direct observation of photonic Landau levels and helical edge states in strained honeycomb lattices in LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
By: Jamadi O., Rozas E., Salerno G., Milicevic M., Ozawa T., Sagnes I., Lemaitre A., Le Gratiet L., Harouri A., Carusotto I., Bloch J., Amo A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 17.782 Cit.: 50 DOI: 10.1038/s41377-020-00377-6)

7) Perspectives of quantum annealing: methods and implementations in REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS
By: Hauke P., Katzgraber H.G., Lechner W., Nishimori H., Oliver W.D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 17.264 Cit.: 260 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/ab85b8)

8) Laser-Induced Frequency Tuning of Fourier-Limited Single-Molecule Emitters in ACS NANO
By: Maja Colautti, Francesco S. Piccioli, Zoran Ristanovic,́ Pietro Lombardi, Amin Moradi, Subhasis Adhikari, Irena Deperasinska, Boleslaw Kozankiewicz, Orrit Michel., Toninelli C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 15.881 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c05620)

9) Tuning the ultrafast response of fano resonances in halide perovskite nanoparticles in ACS NANO
By: Franceschini P., Carletti L., Pushkarev AP., Preda F., Perri A., Tognazzi A., Ronchi A., Ferrini G., Pagliara S., Banfi F., Polli D., Cerullo G., De Angelis C., Makarov SV., Giannetti C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 15.881 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c05710)

10) Theory of the Coherence of Topological Lasers in PHYSICAL REVIEW X
By: Amelio I., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 15.762 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.10.041060)

11) Spectral Evidence of Squeezing of a Weakly Damped Driven Nanomechanical Mode in PHYSICAL REVIEW X
By: Huber J.S., Rastelli G., Seitner M.J., Ktzlbl J., Belzig W., Dykman M.I., Weig E.M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 15.762 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.10.021066)

12) Toward a High-Resolution Reconstruction of 3D Nerve Fiber Architectures and Crossings in the Brain Using Light Scattering Measurements and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations in PHYSICAL REVIEW X
By: Menzel M., Axer M., De Raedt H., Costantini I., Silvestri L., Pavone FS., Amunts K., Michielsen K. Year: 2020 (IF.: 15.762 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.10.021002)

13) Anyonic Molecules in Atomic Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids: A Quantitative Probe of Fractional Charge and Anyonic Statistics in PHYSICAL REVIEW X
By: De Las Heras AM., Macaluso E., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 15.762 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.10.041058)

14) Multiparameter squeezing for optimal quantum enhancements in sensor networks in NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
By: Gessner M., Smerzi A., Pezze L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 14.919 Cit.: 45 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17471-3)

15) A self-operating broadband spectrometer on a droplet in NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
By: Malara P., Giorgini A., Avino S., Di Sarno V., Aiello R., Maddaloni P., De Natale P., Gagliardi G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 14.919 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16206-8)

16) Microwave quantum illumination using a digital receiver in SCIENCE ADVANCES
By: Barzanjeh S., Pirandola S., Vitali D., Fink JM. Year: 2020 (IF.: 14.136 Cit.: 154 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb0451)

17) Pressure-induced amorphization and existence of molecular and polymeric amorphous forms in dense SO2 in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
By: Zhang H., Toth O., Liu XD., Bini R., Gregoryanz E., Dalladay-Simpson P., De Panfilis S., Santoro M., Gorelli FA., Martonak R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 11.205 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917749117)

18) Cold and Hot Spots: From Inhibition to Enhancement by Nanoscale Phase Tuning of Optical Nanoantennas in NANO LETTERS
By: Blascetta Nicola Palombo; Lombardi Pietro; Toninelli Costanza; van Hulst Niek F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 11.189 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02607)

19) Common-clock very long baseline interferometry using a coherent optical fiber link in OPTICA
By: Clivati C., Aiello R., Bianco G., Bortolotti C., De Natale P., Di Sarno V., Maddaloni P., Maccaferri G., Mura A., Negusini M., Levi F., Perini F., Ricci R., Roma M., Amato Santamaria L., Siciliani de Cumis M., Stagni M., Tuozzi A., Calonico D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 11.104 Cit.: 51 DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.393356)

20) Optical properties of silicon-implanted polycrystalline diamond membranes in CARBON
By: Kambalathmana H., Flatae AM., Hunold L., Sledz F., M’ller J., Hepp M., Schmuki P., Killian MS., Lagomarsino S., Gelli N., Sciortino S., Giuntini L., Wtzrner E., Wild C., Butz B., Agio M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 11.037 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.12.031)

21) Quantum Internet: Networking Challenges in Distributed Quantum Computing in IEEE NETWORK
By: Cacciapuoti Angela Sara; Caleffi Marcello; Tafuri Francesco; Cataliotti Francesco Saverio; Gherardini Stefano; Bianchi Giuseppe Year: 2020 (IF.: 10.693 Cit.: 234 DOI: 10.1109/MNET.001.1900092)

22) miR‑182‑5p is an evolutionarily conserved Tbx5 effector that impacts
cardiac development and electrical activity in zebrafish
By: Guzzolino E., Pellegrino M., Ahuja N., Garrity D., D’Aurizio R., Groth M., Baumgart M., Hatcher C.J., Mercatanti A., Evangelista M., Ippolito C., Tognoni E., Fukuda R., Lionetti V., Pellegrini M., Cremisi F., Pitto L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.261 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1007/s00018-019-03343-7)

23) Ultracold Gas of Bosonic (NaK)-Na-23-K-39 Ground-State Molecules in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Voges Kai K., Gersema P., Borgloh MMZ., Schulze TA., Hartmann T., Zenesini A., Ospelkaus S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 80 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.083401)

24) Rotating a Supersolid Dipolar Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Roccuzzo SM., Recati A., Stringari S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 67 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.045702)

25) Microwave Spectroscopy Reveals the Quantum Geometric Tensor of Topological Josephson Matter in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Klees R. L., Rastelli G., Cuevas J.C., Belzig W. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 60 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.197002)

26) Reliability of Lattice Gauge Theories in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Halimeh J., Hauke P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 52 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.030503)

27) Observation of Magnetic Solitons in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Farolfi A., Trypogeorgos D., Mordini C., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 51 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.030401)

28) High-Precision Quantum-Enhanced Gravimetry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Szigeti SS., Nolan S.P., Close JD., Haine SA. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 49 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.100402)

29) Fundamental Peregrine Solitons of Ultrastrong Amplitude Enhancement through Self-Steepening in Vector Nonlinear Systems in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Chen S., Pan CC., Grelu P., Baronio F., Akhmediev N. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 43 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.113901)

30) Quantum Bubbles in Microgravity in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Tononi A, Cinti F., Salasnich L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.010402)

31) Critical Transport and Vortex Dynamics in a Thin Atomic Josephson Junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Xhani K., Neri E., Galantucci L., Scazza F., Burchianti A., Lee K.-L., Barenghi C.F., Trombettoni A., Inguscio M., Zaccanti M., Roati G., Proukakis N.P.,
Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 38 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.045301)

32) Entangling Macroscopic Light States by Delocalized Photon Addition in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Biagi N., Costanzo L. S., Bellini M., Zavatta A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 36 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.033604)

33) Heisenberg-Limited Noisy Atomic Clock Using a Hybrid Coherent and Squeezed State Protocol in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Pezzè L., Smerzi A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 36 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.210503)

34) Quasiparticle Lifetime of the Repulsive Fermi Polaron in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Adlon, HS., Liu WE., Scazza F., Zaccanti M., Oppong, ND., Foelling, S., Parish MM., Levinsen J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 34 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.133401)

35) Temperonic Crystal: A Superlattice for Temperature Waves in Graphene in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Gandolfi M., Giannetti C., Banfi F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.265901)

36) Phase-Space Inequalities Beyond Negativities in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Bohmann M., Agudelo E. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.133601)

37) Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Driven Dissipative Systems Crossing a Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Zamora A., Dagvadorj G., Comaron P., Carusotto I., Proukakis NP., Szymanska MH. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 26 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.095301)

38) Hanbury Brown and Twiss Bunching of Phonons and of the Quantum Depletion in an Interacting Bose Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Cayla H., Butera S., Carcy C., Tenart A., Herce G., Mancini M., Aspect A., Carusotto I., Clement D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.165301)

39) Quantum Signature of a Squeezed Mechanical Oscillator in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Chowdhury A., Vezio P., Bonaldi M., Borrielli A., Marino F., Morana B., Prodi G. A., Sarro P. M., Serra E., Marin F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.023601)

40) Measurement of the Canonical Equation of State of a Weakly Interacting 3D Bose Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Mordini C., Trypogeorgos D., Farolfi A., Wolswijk L., Stringari S., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.150404)

41) Harmonic Fine Tuning and Triaxial Spatial Anisotropy of Dressed Atomic Spins in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Bevilacqua G., Biancalana V., Vigilante A., Zanon-Willette T., Arimondo E. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.093203)

42) Permanent Directional Heat Currents in Lattices of Optomechanical Resonators in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Denis Z., Biella A., Favero I., Ciuti C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.083601)

43) FORUM Unique Far-Infrared Satellite Observations to Better Understand How Earth Radiates Energy to Space in BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
By: L. Palchetti; H. Brindley; R. Bantges; S. A. Buehler; C. Camy-Peyret; B. Carli; U. Cortesi; S. Del Bianco; G. Di Natale; B. M. Dinelli D. Feldman; X. L. Huang; L. C.-Labonnote; Q. Libois; T. Maestri; M. G. Mlynczak; J. E. Murray; H. Oetjen; M. Ridolfi; M. Riese; J. Russell; R. Saunders; C. Serio Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.766 Cit.: 49 DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0322.1)

44) Optical wavelength dependence of photoacoustic signal of gold nanofluid in PHOTOACOUSTICS
By: Gandolfi M., Banfi F., Glorieux C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.484 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2020.100199)

45) Exploiting Deep Eutectic Solvents and Ionic Liquids for the Valorization of Chestnut Shell Waste in ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING
By: Husanu E., Mero A., Gonzalez Rivera J., Mezzetta A., Ruiz JC., D’Andrea F., Pomelli CS., Guazzelli L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.198 Cit.: 53 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c04945)

46) WSe2 Nanosheets Synthesized by a Solvothermal Process as Advanced Nanofluids for Thermal Solar Energy in ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING
By: Martínez-Merino P., Sani E., Mercatelli L., Alcántara R., Navas J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.198 Cit.: 25 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b06489)

47) Plasmonic hydrogels for capture, detection and removal of organic pollutants in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO
By: Vassalini I., Ribaudo G., Gianoncelli A., Casula MF., Alessandri I Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.131 Cit.: 33 DOI: 10.1039/d0en00990c)

48) Dissolution of a surfactant-water lamellar phase investigated by combining time-lapse polarized light microscopy and confocal Raman spectroscopy in JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE
By: Capaccio A., Caserta S., Guido S., Rusciano G., Sasso A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.128 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2019.11.092)

49) Modulating the H-bond strength by varying the temperature for the high pressure synthesis of nitrogen rich carbon nanothreads in NANOSCALE
By: Fanetti S.; Santoro M.; Alabarse F.; Enrico B.; Bini R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.790 Cit.: 26 DOI: 10.1039/c9nr10716a)

50) Making biological membrane resistant to the toxicity of misfolded protein oligomers: a lesson from trodusquemine in NANOSCALE
By: Errico S., Lucchesi G., Odino D., Muscat S., Capitini C., Bugelli C., Canale C., Ferrando R., Grasso G., Barbut D., Calamai M., Danani A., Zasloff M., Relini A., Caminati G., Vendruscolo M., Chiti F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.790 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1039/d0nr05285j)

51) Coral-like plasmonic probes for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in NANOSCALE
By: Capaccio A., Sasso A., Tarallo O., Rusciano G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.790 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1039/d0nr05107a)

52) Plasmonic Superchiral Lattice Resonances in the Mid-Infrared in ACS PHOTONICS
By: Mattioli F., Mazzeo G., Longhi G., Abbate S., Pellegrini G., Mogni E., Celebrano M., Finazzi M., Duo L., Zanchi CG., Tommasini M., Pea M., Cibella S., Polito R., Sciortino F., Baldassarre L., Nucara A., Ortolani M., Biagioni P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.529 Cit.: 25 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00161)

53) Diagnostics and Characterization of Photonic Circuits by Wide-Field Spatiotemporal Imaging in ACS PHOTONICS
By: Nuzhdin D., Pattelli L., Nocentini S., Wiersma D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.529 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00271)

54) Highly sensitive and selective detection of dimethylamine through Nb-doping of TiO2 nanotubes for potential use in seafood quality control in SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
By: Galstyan V., Ponzoni A., Kholmanov I., Natile M. M., Comini E., Sberveglieri G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.460 Cit.: 46 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2019.127217)

55) Colored visual stimuli evoke spectrally tuned neuronal responses across the central nervous system of zebrafish larvae in BMC BIOLOGY
By: Fornetto C., Tiso N., Pavone FS., Vanzi F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.431 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1186/s12915-020-00903-3)

56) Experimental characterization of the energetics of quantum logic gates in NPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION
By: Cimini V., Gherardini S., Barbieri M., Gianani I., Sbroscia M., Buffoni L., Paternostro M., Caruso F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.385 Cit.: 29 DOI: 10.1038/s41534-020-00325-7)

57) 3D versus 2D Electrolyte-Semiconductor Interfaces in Rylenediimide-Based Electron-Transporting Water-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistors in ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS
By: Prescimone F., Benvenuti E., Natali M., Lorenzoni A., Dinelli F., Liscio F., Milita S., Chen ZH., Mercuri F., Muccini M., Facchetti A., Toffanin S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.295 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202000638)

58) Unidirectional reflection from an integrated “taiji” microresonator in PHOTONICS RESEARCH
By: Calabrese A., Ramiro-Manzano F., Price HM., Biasi S., Bernard M., Ghulinyan M., Carusotto I., Pavesi L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 7.080 Cit.: 26 DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.393070)

59) Comparability of Raman Spectroscopic Configurations: A Large Scale Cross-Laboratory Study in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
By: Guo SX., Beleites C., Neugebauer U., Abalde-Cela S., Afseth NK., Alsamad F., Anand S., Araujo-Andrade C., Askrabic S., Avci E., Baia M., Baranska M., Baria E., de Carvalho LAEB., de Bettignies P., Bonifacio A., Bonnier F., Brauchle EM., Byrne HJ., Chourpa I., Cicchi R., Cuisinier F., Culha M., Dahms M., David C., Duponchel L., Duraipandian S., El-Mashtoly SF., Ellis D., Eppe G., Falgayrac G., Gamulin O., Gardner B., Gardner P., Gerwert K., Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ., Gizurarson S., Gnyba M., Goodacre R., Grysan P., Guntinas-Lichius O., Helgadottir H., Grosev VM., Kendall C., Kiselev R., Kolbach M., Krafft C., Krishnamoorthy S., Kubryck P., Lendl B., Loza-Alvarez P., Lyng FM., Machill S., Malherbe C., Marro M., Marques MPM., Matuszyk E., Morasso CF., Moreau M., Muhamadali H., Mussi V., Notingher I., Pacia MZ., Pavone FS., Penel G., Petersen D., Piot O., Rau JV., Richter M., Rybarczyk MK., Salehi H., Schenke-Layland K., Schlucker S., Schosserer M., Schutze K., Sergo V., Sinjab F., Smulko J., Sockalingum GD., Stiebing C., Stone N., Untereiner V., Vanna R., Wieland K., Popp J., Bocklitz T. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.986 Cit.: 52 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02696)

60) Real Time Dynamics and Confinement in the Z(n) Schwinger-Weyl lattice model for 1+1 QED in QUANTUM
By: Magnifico G., Dalmonte M., Facchi P., Pascazio S., Pepe FV., Frcolessi E. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.777 Cit.: 98 DOI: 10.22331/q-2020-06-15-281)

61) Thermodynamics of ultrastrongly coupled light-matter systems in QUANTUM
By: Pilar P., De Bernardis D., Rabl P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.777 Cit.: 37 DOI: 10.22331/q-2020-09-28-335)

62) Probing nonclassicality with matrices of phase-space distributions in QUANTUM
By: Bohmann M., Agudelo E., Sperling J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.777 Cit.: 23 DOI: 10.22331/q-2020-10-15-343)

63) Time observables in a timeless universe in QUANTUM
By: Favalli T., Smerzi A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.777 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.22331/q-2020-10-29-354)

64) Fabrication, microstructures, and optical properties of Yb:Lu2O3 laser ceramics from co-precipitated nano-powders in JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CERAMICS
By: Liu ZY., Toci G., Pirri A., Patrizi B., Feng YG., Wei JB., Wu F., Yang ZX., Vannini M., Li J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.707 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1007/s40145-020-0403-8)

65) Nanocrystalline lanthanum boride thin films by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition as efficient emitters in hybrid thermionic-photovoltaic energy converters in APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
By: Bellucci A., Mastellone M., Girolami M., Serpente V., Generosi A., Paci B., Mezzi A., Kaciulis S., Carducci R., Polini R., Orlando S., Santagata A., De Bonis A., Meucci M., Mercatelli L., Sani E., Trucchi D. M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.707 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.145829)

66) On the alignment of ZnO nanowires by Langmuir – Blodgett technique for sensing application in APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
By: Baratto C., Golovanova V., Faglia G., Hakola H., Niemi T., Tkachenko N., Nazarchurk B., Golovanov V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.707 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146959)

67) Climatology of Transient Luminous Events and Lightning Observed Above Europe and the Mediterranean Sea in SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS
By: Arnone E., Bor J., Chanrion O., Barta V., Dietrich S., Enell C.F., Farges T., Fullekrug M., Kero A., Labanti R., Makela A., Mezuman K., Odzimek A., Popek M., Prevedelli M., Ridolfi M., Soula S., Valeri D., van der Velde O., Yair Y., Zanotti F., Zoladek P., Neubert T. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.673 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1007/s10712-019-09573-5)

68) Pressure Effects on Water Dynamics by Time-Resolved Optical Kerr Effect in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
By: Taschin A., Bartolini P., Fanetti S., Lapini A., Citroni M., Righini R., Bini R., Torre R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.475 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00363)

69) Quantum cascade laser based hybrid dual comb spectrometer in COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS
By: Consolino L., Nafa M., De Regis M., Cappelli F., Garrasi K., Mezzapesa FP., Li LH., Davies AG., Linfield EH., Vitiello MS., Bartalini S., De Natale P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.368 Cit.: 35 DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-0344-0)

70) Multifractality of light in photonic arrays based on algebraic number theory
By: Sgrignuoli F., Gorsky S., Britton WA., Riboli F., Dal Negro L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.368 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-0374-7)

71) Fiber-cap biosensors for SERS analysis of liquid samples in JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B
By: Credi Caterina; Bibikova Olga; Dallari Caterina; Tiribilli Bruno; Ratto Fulvio; Centi Sonia; Pini Roberto; Artyushenko Viacheslav; Cicchi Riccardo; Pavone,Francesco Saverio Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.331 Cit.: 23 DOI: 10.1039/c9tb01866b)

72) Alginate-Derived Active Blend Enhances Adsorption and Photocatalytic Removal of Organic Pollutants in Water in ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS
By: Vassalini I., Gjipalaj J., Crespi S., Gianoncelli, A., Mella M., Ferroni M., Alessandri I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.271 Cit.: 22 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.201900112)

73) Insights into microwave heating response and thermal decomposition behavior of deep eutectic solvents in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS
By: Gonzalez Rivera J., Husanu E., Mero A., Ferrari C., Duce C., Tinè M. R., D’Andrea F., Pomelli C.S., Guazzelli L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.165 Cit.: 55 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2019.112357)

74) Exfoliated graphene oxide-based nanofluids with enhanced thermal and optical properties for solar collectors in concentrating solar power in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS
By: Aguilar T., Sani E., Mercatelli L., Carrillo-Berdugo I., Torres E., Navas J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.165 Cit.: 37 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.112862)

75) Effect of rheology evolution of a sustainable chemical grout, sodium-silicate based, for low pressure grouting in sensitive areas: Urbanized or historical sites in CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS
By: Zullo R., Verdolotti L., Liguori B., Lirer S., de Luna MS., Malara P., Filippone G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.141 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117055)

76) Deep-convective influence on the upper troposphere–lower stratosphere composition in the Asian monsoon anticyclone region: 2017 StratoClim campaign results in ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
By: Bucci S., Legras B., Sellitto P., D’Amato F., Viciani S., Montori A., Chiarugi A., Ravegnani S., Ulanovsky A., Cairo F., Stroh F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.133 Cit.: 35 DOI: 10.5194/acp-20-12193-2020)

77) Supercooled liquid water cloud observed, analysed, and modelled at the top of the planetary boundary layer above Dome C, Antarctica in ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
By: Ricaud P., Del Guasta M., Bazile E., Azouz N., Lupi A., Durand P., Attie JL., Veron D., Guidard V., Grigioni P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.133 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.5194/acp-20-4167-2020)

78) Beyond Lee-Huang-Yang description of self-bound Bose mixtures in SCIPOST PHYSICS
By: Ota M., Astrakharchik GE. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.093 Cit.: 55 DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.9.2.020)

79) The vacua of dipolar cavity quantum electrodynamics in SCIPOST PHYSICS
By: Schuler M., De Bernardis D., Lduchli A., Rabl P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.093 Cit.: 25 DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.9.5.066)

80) Relaxation of bosons in one dimension and the onset of dimensional crossover in SCIPOST PHYSICS
By: Li C., Zhou TW., Mazets I., Stimming HP., Moller FS., Zhu ZJ., Zhai YY., Xiong W., Zhou XJ., Chen XZ., Schmiedmayer J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.093 Cit.: 23 DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.9.4.058)

81) Experimental Study on Blue Light Interaction with Human Keloid-Derived Fibroblasts in BIOMEDICINES
By: Magni G., Banchelli M., Cherchi F., Coppi E., Fraccalvieri M., Rossi M., Tatini F., Pugliese AM., Degl’Innocenti DR., Alfieri D., Matteini P., Pini R., Pavone FS., Rossi F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 6.081 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines8120573)

82) Quantum implementation of an artificial feed-forward neural network in QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
By: Tacchino F., Barkoutsos P., Macchiavello C., Tavernelli I., Gerace D., Bajoni D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.994 Cit.: 52 DOI: 10.1088/2058-9565/abb8e4)

83) Anomalous values, Fisher information, and contextuality, in generalized quantum measurements in QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
By: Cimini V., Gianani I., Piacentini F., Degiovanni IP., Barbieri M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.994 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1088/2058-9565/ab7988)

84) Inferring network structure and local dynamics from neuronal patterns with quenched disorder in CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS
By: Adam I., Cecchini G., Fanelli D., Kreuz T., Livi R., di Volo M., Mascaro Allegra AL., Conti E., Scaglione A., Silvestri L., Pavone FS. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.994 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110235)

85) Renormalization-group running induced cosmic inflation in JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
By: Màriàn IG., Defenu N., Jentschura U.D., Trombettoni A., Nàndori I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.839 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/06/028)

86) Numerical investigation of direct absorption solar collectors (DASC), based on carbon-nanohorn nanofluids, for low temperature applications in SOLAR ENERGY
By: Simonetti M., Restagno F., Sani E., Noussan M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.742 Cit.: 35 DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2019.11.044)

87) Unveiling quantum-limited operation of interband cascade lasers in APL PHOTONICS
By: Borri S., Siciliani de Cumis M., Viciani S., D’Amato F., De Natale P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.672 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1063/1.5139483)

88) Transparent laser ceramics by stereolithography in SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
By: Hostasa J., Schwentenwein M., Toci G., Esposito L., Brouczek D., Piancastelli A., Pirri A., Patrizi B., Vannini M., Biasini V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.611 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.06.006)

89) Colored zirconia with high absorbance and solar selectivity in SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
By: Sani E., Sciti D., Capiani C., Silvestroni L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.611 Cit.: 19 DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.04.020)

90) Dark alumina for novel solar receivers in SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
By: Sani E., Failla S., Sciti D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.611 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.09.038)

91) Structural, textural and thermal characterization of a confined nanoreactor with phosphorylated catalytic sites grafted onto a halloysite nanotube lumen in APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE
By: Gonzalez Rivera J., Spepi A., Ferrari C., Longo I., Tovar Rodriguez J., Fantechi E., Innocenti C., Pineider F., Vera-Ramírez M. A., Tiné M.R., Duce C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.467 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105752)

92) High-silica mordenite as scaffold for phenylacetylene polymerization: In situ high pressure investigation in MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
By: Confalonieri G., Fabbiani M., Arletti R., Quartieri S., Di Renzo F., Haines J., Tabacchi G., Fois E., Vezzalini G., Martra G., Santoro M., Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.455 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2020.110163)

93) Direct activation of zebrafish neurons by ultrasonic stimulation revealed by whole CNS calcium imaging in JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING
By: Meneghetti N., Dedola F., Gavryusev V., Sancataldo G., Turrini L., de Vito G., Tiso N., Vanzi F., Carpaneto J., Cutrone A., Pavone FS., Micera S., Mazzoni A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.379 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/abae8b)

94) Influences of the Sc3+ content on the microstructure and optical properties of 10 at.% Yb:Y3ScxAl5-xO12 laser ceramics in JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
By: Feng Y., Toci G., Pirri A., Patrizi B., Chen X., Wei J., Pan H., Zhang, X., Li X., Vannini M., Li J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.316 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152637)

95) Fabrication and laser performances of Yb:Sc2O3 transparent ceramics from different combination of vacuum sintering and hot isostatic pressing conditions in JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY
By: Toci G., Hostasa J., Patrizi B., Biasini V., Pirri A., Piancastelli A., Vannini M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.302 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.10.059)

96) Electromagnetic solitons in quantum vacuum in PHYSICAL REVIEW D
By: Bulanov S. V; Sasorov P. V; Pegoraro F.; Kadlecova H.; Bulanov S. S.; Esirkepov T. Zh; Rosanov N. N.; Korn G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.296 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.016016)

97) Spin-Orbit Charge-Transfer Intersystem Crossing (ISC) in Compact Electron Donor-Acceptor Dyads: ISC Mechanism and Application as Novel and Potent Photodynamic Therapy Reagents in CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL
By: Wang ZJ., Ivanov M., Gao YT., Bussotti L., Foggi P., Zhang HM., Russo N., Dick B., Zhao JZ., Di Donato M., Mazzone G., Luo L., Fedin M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.236 Cit.: 86 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201904306)

98) Cellular Uptake of Mildly Oxidized Nanographene for Drug-Delivery Applications in ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS
By: Mugnano M.; Lama G. C.; Castaldo R.; Marchesano V.; Merola F.; Del Giudice D.; Calabuig A.; Gentile G.; Ambrogi V.; Cerruti P.; Memmolo P.; Pagliarulo V.; Ferraro P.; Grilli S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.097 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.9b02035)

99) Enhanced nanoscopy of individual CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals using dielectric sub-micrometric antennas in APL MATERIALS
By: Subrez I., Wood T., Pastor JPM., Balestri D., Checcucci S., David T., Favre L., Claude JB., Grosso D., Gualdrun-Reyes AF., Mora-Seru I., Abbarchi M., Gurioli M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.096 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1063/1.5142225)

100) Optical limiting of carbon nanohorn-based aqueous nanofluids: A systematic study in NANOMATERIALS
By: Sani E., Papi N., Mercatelli L., Barison S., Agresti F., Rossi S., Dell’Oro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.076 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.3390/nano10112160)

101) Scanning Probe Spectroscopy of WS2/Graphene Van Der Waals Heterostructures in NANOMATERIALS
By: Dinelli F., Fabbri F., Forti S., Coletti C., Kolosov O.V., Pingue P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.076 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.3390/nano10122494)

102) Efficient Time-Bin Encoding for Practical High-Dimensional Quantum Key Distribution in PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED
By: Vagniluca I., Da Lio B., Rusca D., Cozzolino D., Ding YH., Zbinden H., Zavatta A., Oxenlowe LK., Bacco D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.985 Cit.: 61 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.014051)

103) Sideband-Enhanced Cold Atomic Source for Optical Clocks in PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED
By: Barbiero M., Tarallo M.G., Calonico D., Levi F., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.985 Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.014013)

104) Diagnosing Imperfections in Quantum Sensors via Generalized Cramer-Rao Bounds in PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED
By: Cimini V., Genoni MG., Gianani I., Spagnolo N., Sciarrino F., Barbieri M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.985 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.024048)

105) Steric hindrances and spectral distributions affecting energy transfer rate: A comparative study on specifically designed donor-acceptor pairs in DYES AND PIGMENTS
By: Domenichini E.; Doria S.; Di Donato M.; Cupellini L.; Biagiotti G.; Iagatti A.; Bussotti L.; Mennucci B.; Cicchi S.; Foggi P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.889 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2019.108010)

106) FORUM Earth Explorer 9: Characteristics of Level 2 Products and Synergies with IASI-NG in REMOTE SENSING
By: Ridolfi M., Del Bianco S., Di Roma A., Castelli E., Belotti C., Dandini P., Di Natale G., Dinelli B.M., Labonnote L., Palchetti L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.848 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.3390/rs12091496)

107) Characterization of the Far Infrared Properties and Radiative Forcing of Antarctic Ice and Water Clouds Exploiting the Spectrometer-LiDAR Synergy in REMOTE SENSING
By: Di Natale G., Bianchini G., Del Guasta M., Ridolfi M., Maestri T., Cossich W., Magurno D., Palchetti L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.848 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.3390/rs12213574)

108) Safe limits for the application of nonlinear optical microscopies to cultural heritage: A new method for in-situ assessment in MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL
By: Dal Fovo A., Sanz M., Mattana S., Oujja M., Marchetti M., Pavone F.S., Cicchi R., Fontana R., Castillejo M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.821 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2019.104568)

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110) Integration of multispectral visible-infrared imaging and pointwise X-ray fluorescence data for the analysis of a large canvas painting by Carpaccio in MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL
By: de Manincor N., Marchioro G., Florin E., Raffaelli M., Salvadori O., Daffara C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.821 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2019.104469)

111) Dissecting Neuronal Activation on a Brain-Wide Scale With Immediate Early Genes in FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE
By: Franceschini A., Costantini I., Pavone FS., Silvestri L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.677 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2020.569517)

112) Advances in Stem Cell Modeling of Dystrophin-Associated Disease: Implications for the Wider World of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY
By: Pioner JM., Fornaro A., Coppini R., Ceschia N., Sacconi L., Donati M., Favilli S., Poggesi, C., Olivotto I., Ferrantini C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.566 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00368)

113) Stable Transmission of High-Dimensional Quantum States Over a 2-km Multicore Fiber in IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
By: Da Lio B., Bacco D., Cozzolino D., Biagi N., Arge TN., Larsen E., Rottwitt K., Ding YH., Zavatta A., Oxenlowe LK. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.544 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2960937)

114) Assessing Data Postprocessing for Quantum Estimation in IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
By: Gianani I., Genoni MG., Barbieri M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.544 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2982976)

115) An in depth characterization of the spectroscopic properties and laser action of 10 at% Yb doped Y3ScxAl5-xO12 (x=0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) transparent in CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
By: Toci G., Pirri A., Patrizi B., Feng YG-. Xie TF., Yang ZX., Li J., Vannini M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.527 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.04.012)

116) Synergistic Approach of Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Molecular Simulations in the Characterization of Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Push-Pull Molecules in MOLECULES
By: Patrizi B., Cozza C., Pietropaolo A., Foggi P., Siciliani de Cumis M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.411 Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25020430)

117) (py)LIon: A package for simulating trapped ion trajectories in COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS
By: Bentine E., Foot CJ., Trypogeorgos D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.390 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107187)

118) Poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) based thin microgel films for use in cell culture applications in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Sanzari I., Buratti E., Huang R., Tusan C. G., Dinelli F., Evans N. D., Prodromakis T., Bertoldo M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 72 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63228-9)

119) Toward an effective use of laser-driven very high energy electrons for radiotherapy: Feasibility assessment of multi-field and intensity modulation irradiation schemes in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
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120) Real-time multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging using Single Photon Avalanche Diode arrays in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Lagarto JL., Villa F., Tisa S., Zappa F., Shcheslavskiy V., Pavone FS., Cicchi R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65218-3)

121) On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Marchitelli Vito., Harabaglia P., Troise C., De Natale G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67860-3)

122) A physical memristor based Muthuswamy-Chua-Ginoux system in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Ginoux J-M., Muthuswamy B., Meucci R., Euzzor S., Di Garbo A., Ganesan K. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 21 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-76108-z)

123) Optimized three-level quantum transfers based on frequency-modulated optical excitations in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Petiziol F., Arimondo E., Giannelli L., Mintert F., Wimberger S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-59046-8)

124) 3D imaging and morphometry of the heart capillary system in spontaneously hypertensive rats and normotensive controls in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Olianti C., Costantini I., Giardini F., Lazzeri E., Crocini C., Ferrantini C., Pavone FS., Camici PG., Sacconi L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-71174-9)

125) Exposure to the natural alkaloid Berberine affects cardiovascular system morphogenesis and functionality during zebrafish development in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Martini D., Pucci C., Gabellini C., Pellegrino M., Andreazzoli M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-73661-5)

126) Zinc phthalocyanines as light harvesters for SnO2-based solar cells: a case study in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Milan R., Selopal GS., Cavazzini M., Orlandi S., Boaretto R., Caramori S., Concina I., Pozzi G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58310-1)

127) Optical and spectroscopic study of a supersonic flowing helium plasma: energy transport in the afterglow in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Brandi F., Labate L., Rapagnani D., Buompane R., Di Leva A., Gialanella L., Gizzi LA. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61988-y)

128) Shift of the critical temperature in superconductors: a self-consistent approach in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Salasnich L., Cappellaro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65790-8)

129) Invited perspectives: The volcanoes of Naples: how can the highest volcanic risk in the world be effectively mitigated? in NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES
By: De Natale G., Troise C., Somma R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.345 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.5194/nhess-20-2037-2020)

130) Formation and stability of smooth thin films with soft microgels made of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and poly(acrylic acid) in POLYMERS
By: Buratti E., Sanzari I., Dinelli F., Prodromakis T., Bertoldo M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.329 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.3390/polym12112638)

131) Suppression of chaos by incommensurate excitations: Theory and experimental confirmations in COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION
By: Martinez P.J., Euzzor S., Meucci R., Chacon R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.260 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.105137)

132) The COVID-19 Infection in Italy: A Statistical Study of an Abnormally Severe Disease in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
By: De Natale G., Ricciardi V., De Luca G., De Natale D., Di Meglio G., Ferragamo A., Marchitelli V., Piccolo A., Scala A., Somma R., Spina E., Troise C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.241 Cit.: 42 DOI: 10.3390/jcm9051564)

133) Uncovering Structure-Property Relationships in Push-Pull Chromophores: A Promising Route to Large Hyperpolarizability and Two-Photon Absorption in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
By: Cesaretti A., Foggi P., Fortuna CG., Elisei F., Spalletti A., Carlotti B. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.126 Cit.: 35 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03536)

134) Edge Defects Promoted Oxidation of Monolayer WS2 Synthesized on Epitaxial Graphene
By: Fabbri F., Dinelli F., Forti S., Sementa L., Pace S., Piccinini G., Fortunelli A., Coletti C., Pingue P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.126 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c00350)

135) Out-of-equilibrium phase diagram of long-range superconductors in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Uhrich P., Defenu N., Jafari R., Halimeh J.C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 47 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.245148)

136) Interplay between Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states and multiple Andreev reflections in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Villas A., Klees R.L., Huang H., Ast C.R., Rastelli G., Belzig W., Cuevas J.C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.235445)

137) Perspectives in superfluidity in resonantly driven polariton fluids in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Amelio I., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.064505)

138) Interplay of spin waves and vortices in the two-dimensional XY model at small vortex-core energy in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Maccari I., Defenu N., Benfatto L., Castellani C., Enss T. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.104505)

139) Josephson effect at finite temperature along the BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Piselli V., Simonucci S., Strinati Calvanese G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.144517)

140) Tuning the nonlinear dispersive coupling of nanomechanical string resonators in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Gajo K., Rastelli G., Weig E.M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.075420)

141) Finite temperature off-diagonal long-range order for interacting bosons in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Colcelli A., Defenu N., Mussardo G., Trombettoni A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.184510)

142) Spin-up of a superfluid vortex lattice driven by rough boundaries in PHYSICAL REVIEW B
By: Keepfer N., Stagg, G. W., Galantucci L., Barenghi CF., Parker NG Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.036 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.144520)

143) Optical detection of ammonia inside a stack: Comparison of different techniques in MEASUREMENT
By: D’Amato F., Viciani S., Montori A., Lapini A., Fraboulet I., Poulleau J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.927 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107746)

144) Switching the second harmonic generation by a dielectric metasurface via tunable liquid crystal in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Rocco D., Carletti L., Caputo R., Finazzi M., Celebrano, M., De Angelis C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.894 Cit.: 35 DOI: 10.1364/OE.386776)

145) Photorefractive effect in LiNbO3-based integrated-optical circuits for continuous variable experiments in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Mondain F., Brunel F., Hua X., Gouzien E., Zavatta A., Lunghi T., Doutre F., De Micheli, MP., Tanzilli S., D’Auria V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.894 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1364/OE.399841)

146) Characterization of integrated waveguides by atomic-force-microscopy-assisted mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Gallacher K., Millar RW., Paul DJ., Frigerio J., Ballabio A., Isella G., Rusconi F., Biagioni P., Giliberti V., Sorgi A., Baldassarre L., Ortolani M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.894 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1364/OE.393748)

147) Efficient generation of heralded narrowband color-entangled states in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Zhang XJ., Wu JH., La Rocca GC., Artoni M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.894 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1364/OE.401551)

148) Single-shot reconstruction of the density profile of a dense atomic gas in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Mordini C., Trypogeorgos D., Wolswijk L., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.894 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1364/OE.397567)

149) Effects of excitation light polarization on fluorescence emission in two-photon light-sheet microscopy in BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
By: de Vito G., Ricci P., Turrini L., Gavryusev V., Mullenbroich C., Tiso N., Vanzi F., Silvestri L., Pavone FS. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.792 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1364/BOE.396388)

150) Fast multi-directional DSLM for confocal detection without striping artifacts in BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Ricci P., Santacaldo G., Gavryusev V., Franceschini A., Mullenbroich MC., Silvestri L., Pavone FS. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.792 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1364/BOE.390916)

151) Magnetic induction imaging with a cold-atom radio frequency magnetometer in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
By: Fregosi A., Gabbanini C., Gozzini S., Lenci L., Marinelli C., Fioretti A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.791 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1063/5.0020415)

152) Fabrication, microstructure, and optical properties of Tm:Y3ScAl4O12 laser ceramics in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY
By: Feng YG., Toci GD., Patrizi B., Pirri A., Hu ZW., Chen XP., Wei JB., Pan HM., Li XY., Zhang X., Su S., Vannini M., Li J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.784 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1111/jace.16873)

153) Fabrication, microstructure, and optical properties of Yb:Y3ScAl4O12 transparent ceramics with different doping levels in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY
By: Feng YG., Toci G., Pirri A., Patrizi B., Hu ZW., Wei JB., Pan HM., Zhang X., Li XY., Su S., Vannini M., Li J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.784 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1111/jace.16691)

154) Resonant radiation from Peregrine solitons in OPTICS LETTERS
By: Baronio F., Chen SH., Trillo S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.776 Cit.: 34 DOI: 10.1364/OL.381228)

155) Localized structures formed through domain wall locking in cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation
By: Arabi C. M., Parra-Rivas P., Hansson T., Gelens L., Wabnitz S., Leo F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.776 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1364/OL.399658)

156) Simultaneous fluorescence lifetime and Raman fiber-based mapping of tissues in OPTICS LETTERS
By: Lagarto JL., Shcheslavskiy V., Pavone FS., Cicchi R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.776 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1364/OL.389300)

157) DFG-based mid-IR tunable source with 0.5 mJ energy and a 30 pm linewidth in OPTICS LETTERS
By: Stoychev LI., Cabrera H., Suarez-Vargas JJ., Baruzzo M., Gadedjisso-Tossou KS., Nikolov IP., Sigalotti P., Demidovich AA., Mocchiutti E., Pizzolotto C., Niemela J., Toci G., Danailov MB., Vacchi A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.776 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1364/OL.405272)

158) Absolute frequency stabilization of a QCL at 8.6 mu m by modulation transfer spectroscopy in OPTICS LETTERS
By: Vicentini E., Gambetta A., Coluccelli N., Di Sarno V., Maddaloni P., De Natale P., Castrillo A., Gianfrani L., Laporta P., Galzerano G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.776 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1364/OL.401265)

159) Widefield quantitative phase imaging by
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160) Focused Gaussian beam in the paraxial approximation in OPTICS LETTERS
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161) A review of the current analytical approaches for evaluating, compensating
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By: Rezaei F., Cristoforetti G., Tognoni E., Legnaioli S., Palleschi V., Safi A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.752 Cit.: 78 DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2020.105878)

162) Interacting quantum mixtures for precision atom interferometry in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Corgier R.; Loriani S.; Ahlers H.; Posso-Trujillo K.; Schubert C.; Rasel E.M.; Charron E.; Gaaloul N. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abcbc8)

163) Dynamical phase diagram of ultracold Josephson junctions in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Xhani K., Galantucci L., Barenghi CF., Roati G., Trombettoni A., Proukakis NP. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abc8e4)

164) Pair correlations in the normal phase of an attractive Fermi gas in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Pini M., Pieri P., Jager M., Denschlag JH., Strinati Calvanese G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab9ee3)

165) Dephasing-rephasing dynamics of one-dimensional tunneling quasicondensates in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Salasnich L., Tononi A., Toigo F., Wimberger S., Cappellaro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab965d)

166) Detecting composite orders in layered models via machine learning in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Rzadkowski W., Defenu N., Chiacchiera S., Trombettoni A., Bighin G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abae44)

167) Non-classical current noise and light emission of an ac-driven tunnel junction in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Zhan H., Rastelli G., Belzig W. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab83d8)

168) Towards a clearer view of sympathetic innervation of cardiac and skeletal muscles in PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
By: Di Bona A., Vita V., Costantini I., Zaglia T. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.667 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2019.07.003)

169) Arrhythmia susceptibility in a rat model of acute atrial dilation in PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
By: Scardigli M.; Cannazzaro S.; Coppini R.; Crocini C.; Yan P.; Loew L. M.; Sartiani L.; Cerbai E.; Pavone F. S.; Sacconi L.; Ferrantini C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.667 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2019.08.012)

170) Novel optics-based approaches for cardiac electrophysiology in PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
By: Bub G., Mongillo M., Smith G., Sacconi L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.667 DOI: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2020.05.001)

171) Universal mechanisms for self-termination of rapid cardiac rhythm in CHAOS
By: Biasci V., Sacconi L., Cytrynbaum EN., Pijnappels DA., De Coster T., Shrier A., Glass L., Bub G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.642 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1063/5.0033813)

172) MAP moving horizon estimation for threshold measurements with application to field monitoring in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING
By: Battistelli G., Chisci L., Forti N., Gherardini S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.637 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1002/acs.3049)

173) Femtosecond-laser nanostructuring of black diamond films under different gas environments in MATERIALS
By: Girolami M., Bellucci A., Mastellone M., Orlando S., Serpente V., Valentini V., Polini R., Sani E., De Caro T., Trucchi D. M.

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174) Improving the characterization of ex vivo human brain optical properties using high numerical aperture optical coherence tomography by spatially constraining the confocal parameters in NEUROPHOTONICS
By: Yang JR., Chen IA., Chang SB., Tang JB., Lee B., Kiliz K., Sunil S., Wang H., Varadarajan D., Magnain C., Chen SC., Costantini I., Pavone F., Fischl B., Boas DA. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.593 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1117/1.NPh.7.4.045005)

175) In vivo detection of murine glioblastoma through Raman and reflectance fiber-probe spectroscopies in NEUROPHOTONICS
By: Baria E., Pracucci E., Pillai V., Pavone F.S., Ratto G.M., Cicchi R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.593 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1117/1.NPh.7.4.045010)

176) Multi-frequency array of nonlinear piezoelectric converters for vibration energy harvesting in SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
By: Bau M., Alghisi D., Dalola S., Ferrari M., Ferrari V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.585 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ab9a8d)

177) Technique and Circuit for Contactless Readout of Piezoelectric MEMS Resonator Sensors in SENSORS
By: Basch M., Ferrari M., Begum H., Ali A., Lee JEY., Ferrari V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.576 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.3390/s20123483)

178) Spectroscopic Techniques versus Pitot Tube for the Measurement of Flow Velocity in Narrow Ducts in SENSORS
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179) Peregrine Solitons on a Periodic Background in the Vector Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation in FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS
By: Ye Y., B L., Wang W., Chen S., Baronio F., Mihalamche D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.560 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2020.596950)

180) Fabrication and Characterisation of 3D Diamond Pixel Detectors With Timing Capabilities in FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS
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181) Sr atom interferometry with the optical clock transition as a gravimeter and a gravity gradiometer in CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY
By: Hu L., Wang EL., Salvi L., Tinsley JN., Tino GM., Poli N. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.528 Cit.: 34 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ab4d18)

182) On the Long Range Clustering of Global Seismicity and its Correlation With Solar Activity: A New Perspective for Earthquake Forecasting in FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
By: Marchitelli V., Troise C., Harabaglia P., Valenzano B., De Natale G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.498 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.595209)

183) Double-actuator position-feedback mechanism for adjustable sensitivity in electrostatic-capacitive MEMS force sensors in SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
By: Nastro A., Ferrari M., Ferrari V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.407 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2020.112127)

184) Vertically Coupling ZnO Nanorods onto MoS2 Flakes for Optical Gas Sensing in CHEMOSENSORS
By: Faglia G., Ferroni M., Le Dang TT., Donarelli M., Rigoni F., Baratto C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.398 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors8010019)

185) The evolution of COVID-19 in Italy after the spring of 2020: an unpredicted summer respite followed by a second wave in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
By: De Natale G., De Natale L., Troise C., Marchitelli V., Coviello A., Holmberg KG., Somma R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.390 Cit.: 22 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17238708)

186) Silicon-vacancy color centers in phosphorus-doped diamond in DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
By: Flatae A.M., Lagomarsino S., Sledz F., Soltani N., Nicley S.S., Haenen K., Rechenberg R., Becker M.F., Sciortino S., Gelli N., Giuntini L., Taccetti F., Agio M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.315 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2020.107797)

187) Implementing Poincaré Sections for a Chaotic Relaxation Oscillator in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS
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188) In-Depth Analysis of Egg-Tempera Paint Layers by Multiphoton Excitation Fluorescence Microscopy in SUSTAINABILITY
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189) Encrypted Chaos in Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode in CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
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190) Characterisation of a charged particle levitated nano-oscillator in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS
By: Bullier N.P., Pontin A., Barker P.F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.207 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab71a7)

191) Collagen ultrastructural symmetry and its malignant alterations in human breast cancer revealed by polarization-resolved second-harmonic generation microscopy in JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS
By: Mercatelli R., Triulzi T., Pavone FS., Orlandi R., Cicchi R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.207 Cit.: 23 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202000159)

192) Real‐time fiber‐based fluorescence lifetime imaging with synchronous external illumination: A new path for clinical translation in JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS
By: Lagarto Joao L.; Shcheslavskiy Vladislav; Pavone Francesco S.; Cicchi Riccardo Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.207 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201960119)

193) Supervised learning methods for the recognition of melanoma cell lines through the analysis of their Raman spectra in JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS
By: Baria E., Cicchi R., Malentacchi F., Mancini I., Pinzani P., Pazzagli M., Pavone FS. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.207 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202000365)

194) 1-benzyl-1,4-diazepane reduces the efflux of resistance-nodulation-cell division pumps inEscherichia coli in FUTURE MICROBIOLOGY
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195) Nonreciprocal ground-state cooling of multiple mechanical resonators in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Lai D.G., Huang J.F., Yin X.L., Hou B.P., Li W.L., Vitali D., Nori F., Liao J.Q Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 110 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.011502)

196) Quantized vortices in dipolar supersolid Bose-Einstein-condensed gases in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Gallemi A., Roccuzzo SM., Stringari S., Recati A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 51 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.023322)

197) Quantum droplets in one-dimensional Bose mixtures: A quantum Monte Carlo study in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Parisi L., Giorgini S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 40 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.023318)

198) Noise robustness of synchronization of two nanomechanical resonators coupled to the same cavity field in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Li WL., Piergentili P., Li J., Zippilli S., Natali R., Malossi N., Di Giuseppe G., Vitali D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.013802)

199) Discrete time crystal in a finite chain of Rydberg atoms without disorder in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Fan CH., Rossini D., Zhang HX., Wu JH., Artoni M., La Rocca GC. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.013417)

200) Thermodynamics of dilute Bose gases: Beyond mean-field theory for binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Ota M., Giorgini S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.063303)

201) Realization of a cold mixture of fermionic chromium and lithium atoms in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Neri E., Ciamei A., Simonelli C., Goti I., Inguscio M., Trenkwalder A., Zaccanti M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.063602)

202) Exploring emergent heterogeneous phases in strongly repulsive Fermi gases in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Scazza F., Valtolina G., Amico A., Tavares PES, Inguscio M., Ketterle W., Roati G., Zaccanti M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.013603)

203) Formation of ultracold weakly bound dimers of bosonic (NaK)-Na-23-K-39 in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Voges K.K., Gersema P., Hartmann T., Schulze T.A., Zenesini A., Ospelkaus S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.042704)

204) Effect of interactions in the interference pattern of Bose-Einstein condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Burchianti A., D’Errico C., Marconi L., Minardi F., Fort C., Modugno M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.043314)

205) Entanglement distance for arbitrary M-qudit hybrid systems in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Cocchiarella D., Scali S., Ribisi S., Nardi B., Bel-Hadj-Aissa G., Franzosi R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.042129)

206) Quantum motion of a squeezed mechanical oscillator attained via an optomechanical experiment in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Vezio P.; Chowdhury A.; Bonaldi M.; Borrielli A.; Marino F.; Morana B.; Prodi G.A.; Sarro P.M.; Serra E.; Marin F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.053505)

207) Nonexponential decay of Feshbach molecules in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Pepe FV., Facchi P., Kordi Z., Pascazio S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.013632)

208) Optimal entanglement witnesses from limited local measurements in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Ricciardi A., Chruscinski D., Macchiavello C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.062319)

209) Quantum thermodynamics of two bosonic systems in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Macchiavello C., Ricciardi A., Sacci MF. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.062326)

210) Relating relative Renyi entropies and Wigner-Yanase-Dyson skew information to generalized multiple quantum coherences in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Pires DP., Smerzi A., Macri T. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.012429)

211) Experimental witnessing of the quantum channel capacity in the presence of correlated noise in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Cimini V; Gianani I; Sacchi M. F.; Macchiavello C.; Barbieri M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.052404)

212) Possibility to generate any Gaussian cluster state by a multimode squeezing transformation in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Zippilli s., Vitali D. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.052424)

213) Josephson effect with superfluid fermions in the two-dimensional BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Salasnich L., Pascucci F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.013325)

214) Slow thermo-optomechanical pulsations in suspended one-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavities in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Fonseca P., Alda I., Marino F., Cuadrado A., D’Ambrosio V., Gieseler J., Quidant R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.053518)

215) Effective field theory of bosons with finite-range interaction in a disordered environment in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Salasnich L., Cappellaro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.053628)

216) Spin-dipole mode in a trapped Fermi gas near unitarity in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Tajima H., Recati A., Ohashi Y. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.013610)

217) Blue LED light modulates inflammatory infiltrate and improves the healing of superficial wounds in PHOTODERMATOLOGY PHOTOIMMUNOLOGY & PHOTOMEDICINE
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218) Tailoring optical properties of surfaces in wide spectral ranges by multi-scale femtosecond-laser texturing: a case-study for TaB2 ceramics in OPTICAL MATERIALS
By: Sani E., Sciti D., Silvestroni L., Bellucci A., Orlando S., Trucchi D. M., Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.080 Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110347)

219) Enhanced selective solar absorption of surface nanotextured semi-insulating 6H–SiC in OPTICAL MATERIALS
By: Mastellone M., Bellucci A., Girolami M., Montereali R.M., Orlando S., Polini R., Serpente V., Sani E., Valentini V., Vincenti MA., Trucchi D.M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.080 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.109967)

220) Fabrication, microstructure and optical properties of Yb:LuxY3-xAl5O12 transparent ceramics in OPTICAL MATERIALS
By: Feng YG., Xie TF., Chen XP., Toci G., Pirri A., Patrizi B., Vannini M., Li J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.080 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110478)

221) An in-situ x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopic study of the dehydration of AlPO4-54 in SOLID STATE SCIENCES
By: Fabbiani M., Polisi M., Fraisse B., Arletti R., Santoro M., Alabarse F., Haines J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.059 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2020.106378)

222) The FAMU experiment: muonic hydrogen high precision spectroscopy studies in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
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223) Structured Light Profilometry on m-PTC in ENERGIES
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224) Reflectance imaging spectroscopy in heritage science in RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO
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225) The unusual properties of plasmas in RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO
By: Pegoraro F., Veltri P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.000 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1007/s40766-020-00005-4)

226) Solvent Effects and Aggregation Phenomena Studied by Vibrational Optical Activity and Molecular Dynamics: The Case of Pantolactone in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
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227) Non-invasive mapping methods for pigments analysis of Roman mural paintings in JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
By: Dal Fovo A., Mazzinghi A., Omarini S., Pampaloni E., Ruberto C., Striova J., Fontana R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.955 Cit.: 22 DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2019.12.002)

228) Graphic vandalism: Multi-analytical evaluation of laser and chemical methods for the removal of spray paints in JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
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229) Notes on Vestorius’ Blue – New findings and investigations in JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
By: Fontana R., Baraldi P., Fedi ME., Galeotti Mo., Omarini S., Zannini P., Striova J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.955 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2020.03.002)

230) Optical Frequency Combs in Quadratically Nonlinear Resonators in MICROMACHINES
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231) Toward Fully Unsupervised Anharmonic Computations Complementing Experiment for Robust and Reliable Assignment and Interpretation of IR and VCD Spectra from Mid-IR to NIR: The Case of 2,3-Butanediol and trans-1,2-Cyclohexanediol in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
By: Paoloni L., Mazzeo G., Longhi G., Abbate S., Fusi M., Bloino J., Barone V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.781 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b11025)

232) Quartz Crystal Resonator Sensor With Printed-on-Crystal Coil for Dual-Harmonic Electromagnetic Contactless Interrogation in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL
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By: Mazzeo G., Abbate S., Boiadjiev SE., Lightner DA., Longhi G., Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.713 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/sym12111752)

By: Assmann RW., Weikum MK., Akhter T., Alesini D., Alexandrova AS., Anania MP., Andreev NE., Andriyash I., Artioli M., Aschikhin A., Audet T., Bacci A., Barna IF., Bartocci S., Bayramian A., Beaton A., Beck A., Bellaveglia M., Beluze A., Bernhard A., Biagioni A., Bielawski S., Bisesto FG., Bonatto A., Boulton L., Brandi F., Brinkmann R., Briquez F., Brottier F., Brundermann E., B’scher M., Buonomo B., Bussmann MH., Bussolino G., Campana P., Cantarella S., Cassou K., Chancy A., Chen M., Chiadroni E., Cianchi A., Cioeta F., Clarke JA., Cole JM., Costa G., Couprie ME., Cowley J., Croia M., Cros B., Crump PA., D’Arcy R., Dattoli G., Del Dotto A., Delerue N., Del Franco M., Delinikolas P., De Nicola S., Dias JM., Di Giovenale D., Diomede M., Di Pasquale E., Di Pirro G., Di Raddo G., Dorda U., Erlandson AC., Ertel K., Esposito A., Falcoz F., Falone A., Fedele R., Pousa AF., Ferrario M., Filippi F., Fils J., Fiore G., Fiorito R., Fonseca RA., Franzini G., Galimberti M., Gallo A., Galvin TC., Ghaith A., Ghigo A., Giove D., Giribono A., Gizzi LA., Gr’ner FJ., Habib AF., Haefner C., Heinemann T., Helm A., Hidding B., Holzer BJ., Hooker SM., Hosokai T., H’bner M., Ibison M., Incremona S., Irman A., Iungo F., Jafarinia FJ., Jakobsson O., Jaroszynski DA., Jaster-Merz S., Joshi C., Kaluza M., Kando M., Karger OS., Karsch S., Khazanov E., Khikhlukha D., Kirchen M., Kirwan G., Kitygi C., Knetsch A., Kocon D., Koester P., Kononenko OS., Korn G., Kostyukov I., Kruchinin KO., Labate L., Le Blanc C., Lechner C., Lee P., Leemans W., Lehrach A., Li X., Li Y., Libov V., Lifschitz A., Lindstrom CA., Litvinenko V., Lu W., Lundh O., Maier AR., Malka V., Manahan GG., Mangles SPD., Marcelli A., Marchetti B., Marcouilly O., Marocchino A., Marteau F., de la Ossa AM., Martins JL., Mason PD., Massimo F., Mathieu F., Maynard G., Mazzotta Z., Mironov S., Molodozhentsev AY., Morante S., Mosnier A., Mostacci A., M’ller AS., Murphy CD., Najmudin Z., Nghiem PAP., Nguyen F., Niknejadi P., Nutter A., Osterhoff J., Espinos DO., Paillard JL., Papadopoulos DN., Patrizi B., Pattathil R., Pellegrino L., Petralia A., Petrillo V., Piersanti L., Pocsai MA., Poder K., Pompili R., Pribyl L., Pugacheva D., Reagan BA., Resta-Lopez J., Ricci R., Romeo S., Conti MR., Rossi AR., Rossmanith R., Rotundo U., Roussel E., Sabbatini L., Santangelo P., Sarri G., Schaper L., Scherkl P., Schramm U., Schroeder CB., Scifo J., Serafini L., Sharma G., Sheng ZM., Shpakov V., Siders CW., Silva LO., Silva T., Simon C., Simon-Boisson C., Sinha U., Sistrunk E., Specka A., Spinka TM., Stecchi A., Stella A., Stellato F., Streeter MJV., Sutherland A., Svystun EN., Symes D., Szwaj C., Tauscher GE., Terzani D., Toci G., Tomassini P., Torres R., Ullmann D., Vaccarezza C., Vallyau M., Vannini M., Vannozzi A., Vescovi S., Vieira JM., Villa F., Wahlstrtzm CG., Walczak R., Walker PA., Wang K., Welsch A., Welsch CP., Weng SM., Wiggins SM., Wolfenden J., Xia G., Yabashi M., Zhang H., Zhao Y., Zhu J., Zigler A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.707 Cit.: 47 DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2020-000127-8)

235) T-tubule remodeling in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in JOURNAL OF MUSCLE RESEARCH AND CELL MOTILITY
By: Vitale Giulia; Coppini Raffaele; Tesi Chiara; Poggesi Corrado; Sacconi Leonardo; Ferrantini Cecilia Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.698 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1007/s10974-020-09591-6)

236) Electro-Optical Ion Trap for Experiments with Atom-Ion Quantum Hybrid Systems in APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
By: Perego E., Duca L., Sias C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.679 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.3390/app10072222)

237) A Comprehensive Physical Profile for Aqueous Dispersions of Carbon Derivatives as Solar Working Fluids
By: Sani E., Vallejo J.P., Mercatelli L., Martina MR., Di Rosa D., Dell’Oro A., Lugo L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.679 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.3390/app10020528)

238) Experimental study of nanosecond laser-generated plasma channels in APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
By: Levato T., Nevrkla M., Nawaz MF., Giuffrida L., Grepl F., Zulic H., Pilar J., Hanus M., Divoky M., Lucianetti A., Mocek T., Margarone D Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.679 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.3390/app10124082)

239) Robust Geometries for Second-Harmonic-Generation in Microrings Exhibiting a 4-Bar Symmetry in APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
By: Guillemy P., Vecchi C., Castellan C., Signorini S., Ghulinyan M., Bernard M., Parisi M., Pavesi L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.679 DOI: 10.3390/app10249047)

240) Multiwavelength frequency modulated CW Ladar: The effect of refractive index in PHOTONICS
By: Barbieri M., Pallotti DK., Siciliani de Cumis M., Santamaria Amato l. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.676 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/photonics7040090)

241) A perspective on multiparameter quantum metrology: From theoretical tools to applications in quantum imaging in PHYSICS LETTERS A
By: Albarelli F., Barbieri M., Genoni M. G., Gianani I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.654 Cit.: 117 DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2020.126311)

242) Correlation plenoptic imaging for microscopy applications in PHYSICS LETTERS A
By: Scagliola A., Di Lena F., Garuccio A., D’Angelo M., Pepe FV. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.654 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2020.126472)

243) Noise sensing via stochastic quantum Zeno in PHYSICS LETTERS A
By: Muller M.M.; Gherardini S.; Dalla Pozza N.; Caruso F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.654 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2020.126244)

244) Nonlinear, nondispersive wave equations: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions in the hodograph transformation in PHYSICS LETTERS A
By: Pegoraro F., Bulanov S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.654 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2019.126064)

245) Saccadic movements assessment in eccentric fixation: A study in patients with Stargardt disease in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY
By: Giacomelli G., Farini A., Baldini I., Raffaelli M., Bigagli G., Fossetti A., Virgili G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.597 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1177/1120672120960336)

246) Emergent excitability in populations of nonexcitable units in PHYSICAL REVIEW E
By: Ciszak M., Marino F., Torcini A., Olmi S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.529 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.050201)

247) Effective low-dimensional dynamics of a mean-field coupled network of slow-fast spiking lasers in PHYSICAL REVIEW E
By: Dolcemascolo A., Miazek A., Veltz R., Marino F., Barland S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.529 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.052208)

248) Spatiotemporal representation of long-delayed systems: An alternative approach in PHYSICAL REVIEW E
By: Marino F., Giacomelli G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.529 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.052217)

249) Design and characterization of a quantum heat pump in a driven quantum gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW E
By: Roy A., Eckardt A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.529 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.042109)

250) Geometrical Aspects in the Analysis of Microcanonical Phase-Transitions in ENTROPY
By: Bel-Hadj-Aissa G., Gori M., Penna V., Pettini G., Franzosi R. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.524 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.3390/e22040380)

251) The role of morphology in all-dielectric SERS: A comparison between conformal (T-rex) and non conformal TiO2 shells in VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY
By: Vassalini I., Sisman O., Comini E., Alessandri I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.507 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2020.103085)

252) The two-stream delta-Eddington approximation to simulate the far infrared Earth spectrum for the simultaneous atmospheric and cloud retrieval in JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER
By: Di Natale G.; Palchetti L.; Bianchini G.; Ridolfi M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.468 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106927)

253) Absolute frequency metrology of the CHF3 8.6-mu m ro-vibrational spectrum at 10(-11) level in JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER
By: Vicentini E., Maddaloni P., Aiello R., Gambetta A., Coluccelli N., Molteni LM., Castrillo A., Gianfrani L., De Natale P., Laporta P., Galzerano G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.468 DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106963)

254) Hot electron retention in laser plasma created under terawatt subnanosecond irradiation of Cu targets in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
By: Pisarczyk T., Kalal M., Gus’kov S. Yu., Batani D., Renner O., Santos J., Dudzak R., Zaras-Szydłowska A., Chodukowski T., Rusiniak Z., Dostal J., Krasa J., Krupka M., Kochetkov Iu., Singh S., Cikhardt J., Burian T., Krus M., Pfeifer M., Cristoforetti G., Gizzi LA., Baffigi F., Antonelli L., Demchenko N.N.,
Rosinski M., Terwinska D., Borodziuk S., Kubes P., Ehret M., Juha L., Skala J., Korneev Ph. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.458 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/abb74b)

255) Laser-driven proton acceleration via excitation of surface plasmon polaritons into TiO(2) nanotube array targets in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
By: Cristoforetti G., Baffigi F., Brandi F., D’Arrigo G., Fazzi A., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Maero G., Palla D., Romé M., Russo R., Terzani D., Tomassini P., Gizzi LA. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.458 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/abb5e3)

256) High-quality 5 GeV electron bunches with resonant multi-pulse ionization injection. in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
By: Tomassini P., Terzani D., Baffigi F., Brandi F., Fulgentini L., Koester P., Labate L., Palla D., Gizzi L.A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.458 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/ab45c5)

257) Characteristics of ion beams generated in the interaction of ultra-short laser pulses with ultra-thin foils in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
By: McIlvenny A., Ahmed H., Scullion C., Doria D., Romagnani L., Martin P., Naughton K., Sgattoni A., Symes DR., Macchi A., McKenna P., Zepf M., Kar S., Borghesi M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.458 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/ab7d26)

258) Characterization of Field of View in Visible Light Communication Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
By: Seminara M., Nawaz T., Caputo S., Mucchi L., Catani J. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.443 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3005620)

259) Vertical Second Harmonic Generation in Asymmetric Dielectric Nanoantennas in IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
By: Rocco D., Gigli C., Carletti L., Marino G., Vincenti MA., Leo G., De Angelis C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.443 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.2988502)

260) Polarization Independent Unidirectional Scattering With Turnstile Nanoantennas in IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
By: Rocco D., Midrio M., De Angelis C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.443 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3030306)

261) Characterization of tetrakis(thiadiazole)porphyrazine metal complexes by magnetic circular dichroism and magnetic circularly polarized luminescence in CHIRALITY
By: Ghidinelli S., Abbate S., Mazzeo G., Paoloni L., Viola E., Ercolani C., Donzello MP., Longhi G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.437 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1002/chir.23221)

262) Testing the vibrational exciton and the local mode models on the instructive cases of dicarvone, dipinocarvone, and dimenthol vibrational circular dichroism spectra in CHIRALITY
By: Mazzeo G., Santoro E., Abbate S., Zonta C., Fabris F., Longhi G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.437 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1002/chir.23232)

263) Dielectric nanoantennas on epsilon-near-zero substrates: Impact of losses on second order nonlinear processes in OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
By: Rocco D., De Angelis C., De Ceglia D., Carletti L., Scalora M., Vincenti MA. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.310 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2019.124570)

264) Effect of control parameters on chaos synchronization by means of optical feedback in OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
By: Al Bayati B. M., Ahmad A.K., Al Naimee K.A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.310 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2020.126032)

265) The Double Donut Schmidt Camera for the cosmogenic neutrino detection in ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH
By: Mazzinghi P., Spillantini P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.152 DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2020.04.041)

266) Anderson transition on the Bethe lattice: an approach with real energies in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL
By: Parisi G., Pascazio S., Pietracaprina F., Ros V., Scardicchio A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.132 Cit.: 38 DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ab56e8)

267) Gian electric and magnetic Purcell factor in dielectric oligomers in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Rocco D., Lamprianidis A., Miroshnichenko AE., De Angelis C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.106 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.399665)

268) A QCL-based metrological-grade source at 6 mu m in APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS
By: D’Ambrosio D., Borri S., Calonico D., Clivati C., De Natale P., De Pas M., Insero G., Levi F., Verde M., Santambrogio G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.070 DOI: 10.1007/s00340-020-7388-4)

269) Erratum: Laser-driven strong shocks with infrared lasers at intensity of 1016 W/cm2 (Physics of Plasmas (2019) 26 (112708) DOI: 10.1063/1.5119697) in PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
By: Antonelli, L., Trela J., Barbato F., Boutoux G., Nicolai P., Batani D., Tikhonchuk V., Mancelli D., Tentori A., Atzeni S., Schiavi A., Baffigi F., Cristoforetti G., Viciani S., Gizzi L.A., Smid M., Renner O., Dostal J., Dudzak R., Juha L., Krus M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.023 DOI: 10.1063/5.0005221)

270) Lagrangian and Dirac constraints for the ideal incompressible fluid and magnetohydrodynamics in JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS
By: Morrison P. J.; Andreussi T.; Pegoraro F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 2.014 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1017/S0022377820000331)

271) Donor Centers Involved into the Quantum Cutting in Ytterbium-Doped Scheelite-Like Crystals in PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE
By: Subbotin K.A., Titov A.I., Lis D.A., Sani E., Smirnov V.A., Alimov O.K., Zharikov E.V., Shcherbakov I.A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.981 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201900659)

272) Experimental study on the performances of second-harmonic dispersion interferometers at 10.6 μm and 1064 nm for plasma density measurements in APPLIED OPTICS
By: Brandi F., Frank Wessel, Christopher M. Lohff, James R. Duff, Zachary O. Haralson Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.980 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1364/AO.399551)

273) Editorial in MOLECULAR PHYSICS
By: Willitsch S., Boudon V., De Natale P., Huet T., Merkt F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.962 DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2020.1759289)

274) New trends in quantum machine learning in EUROPHYSICS LETTERS
By: Buffoni L., Caruso F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.947 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/132/60004)

275) Non-linear edge dynamics of an integer quantum Hall fluid in EUROPHYSICS LETTERS
By: Nardin A., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.947 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/132/10002)

276) Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Mukamel S., Freyberger M., Schleich W., Bellini M., Zavatta A., Leuchs G., Silberhorn C., Boyd RW., Sanchez-Soto LL., Stefanov A., Barbieri M., Paterova A., Krivitsky L., Shwartz S., Tamasaku K., Dorfman K., Schlawin F., Sandoghdar V., Raymer M., Marcus A., Varnavski O., Goodson T., Zhou ZY., Shi BS., Asban S., Scully M., Agarwal G., Peng T., Sokolov AV., Zhang ZD., Zubairy MS., Vartanyants IA., del Valle E., Laussy F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.917 Cit.: 117 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/ab69a8)

277) Quenching dynamics of the bright solitons and other localized states in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Ravisankar R., Sriraman T., Salasnich L., Muruganandam P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.917 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/aba661)

278) Specializations in the compound eye of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY
By: Ciofini A., Yamahama Y., Mercatelli L., Hariyama T., Ugolini A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.836 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1007/s00359-020-01432-8)

By: Hou C., Bu LL., Baronio F., Mihalache D., Chen SH. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.785 Cit.: 40 )

280) Morphological and Elastic Transition of Polystyrene Adsorbed Layers on Silicon Oxide in JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY
By: Dinelli F., Pingue P., Signore G., Napolitano S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.758 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12954)

281) Design and Performance of Data Acquisition and Control System for the Muon g-2 Laser Calibration
By: Mastroianni S., Anastasio A., Bedeschi F., Boiano A., Cantatore G., Cauz D., Corradi G., Dabagov S., Di Meo P., Driutti A., Di Sciascio G., Di Stefano R., Ferrari C., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Gioiosa A., Hampai D., Iacovacci M., Incagli M., Karuza M., Lusiani A., Marignetti F., Nath A., Pauletta G., Piacentino GM., Santi L., Venanzoni G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.679 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2020.2980967)

282) Toward a plasma-based accelerator at high beam energy with high beam charge and high beam quality in PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS
By: Nghiem, PAP., Assmann R., Beck A., Chance A., Chiadroni E., Cros B., Ferrario M., Pousa AF., Giribono A., Hidding B., Lee P., Li X., Marocchino A., de la Ossa AM., Massimo F., Maynard G., Mosnier A., Romeo S., Silva T., Svystun E., Tomassini P., Vaccarezza C., Vieira J., Zhu J., Gizzi LA., Rossi AR. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.639 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.031301)

283) Nonlinear electrodynamics at cylindrical “cumulation” fronts in RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI
By: Pegoraro F., Bulanov S.V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.625 DOI: 10.1007/s12210-020-00906-w)

284) Plasma physics and astrophysics: retrospects, state-of-the art, and prospects in RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI
By: Nigro G., Pegoraro F., Valentini F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.625 DOI: 10.1007/s12210-020-00965-z)

285) Numerical simulations on laser absorption enhancement in hybrid metallo-dielectric nanostructured targets for future nuclear astrophysics experiments in AIP ADVANCES
By: Pirruccio G., Rocco D., De Angelis C., Sorbello G., Mascali D., Torrisi G., Frassetto M., Malferrari L., Odorici F., Altana C., Lanzalone G., Muoio A., Tudisco S., Benocci R., Gorini G., Palladino L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.548 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1063/5.0004123)

By: Kanxheri K., Aisa D., Solestizi LA., Bellini M., Caprai M., Corsi C., Dipilato AC., Iacco M., Ionica M., Lagomarsino S., Morozzi A., Moscatelli F., Passeri D., Sciortino S., Talamonti C., Zucchetti C., Servoli L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.455 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.162730)

287) Resistively heated, high pressure, membrane and screw driven diamond anvil cell in HIGH PRESSURE RESEARCH
By: Santoro M., Hajeb A., Gorelli F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.431 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1080/08957959.2020.1789619)

288) Auto-adaptive Tikhonov regularization of water vapor profiles: application to FORUM measurements in APPLICABLE ANALYSIS
By: Sgheri L., Raspollini P., Ridolfi M. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.429 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2020.1751825)

289) Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D
By: Banuls MC., Blatt R., Catani J., Celi A., Cirac JI., Dalmonte M., Fallani L., Jansen K., Lewenstein M., Montangero S., Muschik CA., Reznik B., Rico E., Tagliacozzo L., Van Acoleyen K., Verstraete F., Wiese UJ., Wingate M., Zakrzewski J., Zoller P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.425 Cit.: 338 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-100571-8)

290) Probing quantum gravity effects with quantum mechanical oscillators in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D
By: Bonaldi M., Borrielli A., Chowdhury A., Di Giuseppe G., Li W., Malossi N., Marino F., Morana B., Natali R., Piergentili P., Prodi G. A., Sarro P. M., Serra E., Vezio P., Vitali D., Marin F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.425 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10184-6)

291) Erratum to: Probing quantum gravity effects with quantum mechanical oscillators (The European Physical Journal D, (2020), 74, 9, (178), 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10184-6) in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D
By: Bonaldi M., Borrielli A., Chowdhury A., Di Giuseppe G., Li W., Malossi N., Marino F., Morana B., Natali R., Piergentili P., Prodi G. A., Sarro P. M., Serra E., Vezio P., Vitali D., Marin F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.425 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10555-y)

292) An approach to light distribution for the calibration of high energy physics calorimeters in JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION
By: Anastasi A., Bottalico E., Cantatore G., Cotrozzi L., Dabagov S., Di Stefano R., Driutti A., Ferrari C., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Galati MD., Gioiosa A., Girotti P., Hampai D., Iacovacci M., Incagli M., Karuza M., Lusiani A., Marignetti F., Mastroianni S., Nath A., Piacentino GM., Raha N., Santi L., Sorbara M., Venanzoni G., Vujnovic V. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.415 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/P09014)

293) Experimental setup for the production of ultracold strongly correlated fermionic superfluids of Li-6 in REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA
By: Hernandez-Rajkov D., Padilla-Castillo JE., Mendoza-Lopez M., Colin-Rodriguez R., Gutierrez-Valdes A., Morales-Ramirez SA., Gutierrez-Arenas RA., Gardea-Flores CA., Jauregui-Renaud R., Seman JA., Poveda-Cuevas FJ., Roati G. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.297 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.31349/RevMexFis.66.388)

294) Preliminary results from the LMJ-PETAL experiment on hot electrons characterization in the context of shock ignition in HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS
By: Baton S.D., Colaïtis A., Rousseaux C., Boutoux G., Brygo C., Jacquet L., Koenig M., Batani D., Casner A., Le Bel E., Raffestin D., Tentori A., Tikhonchuk V., Trela J., Reverdin C., Le-Deroff L., Theobald W., Cristoforetti G., Gizzi LA., Koester P., Labate L., Shigemori K. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.218 Cit.: 25 DOI: 10.1016/j.hedp.2020.100796)

295) Plasma waves in a different frame in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Macchi A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.022 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1119/10.0001431)

296) Dynamics of Optical Pumping Processes in Coated Cells Filled with Rb Vapour in JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
By: Krasteva A., Mariotti E., Dancheva Y., Marinelli C., Marmugi L., Stiaccini L., Gozzini S., Gateva S., Cartaleva S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 0.578 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3103/S1068337220040209)

297) Stabilizing open quantum batteries by sequential measurements in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Gherardini S.; Campaioli F.; Caruso F.; Binder F.C. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 67 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013095)

298) Dynamical formation of quantum droplets in a 39K mixture in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Ferioli G., Semeghini G., Terradas-Briansu S., Masi L., Fattori M., Modugno M. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013269)

299) Ultranarrow-linewidth levitated nano-oscillator for testing dissipative wave-function collapse in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Pontin A., Bullier N.P., Toros M., Barker P.F. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023349)

300) Green Routes for the Development of Chitin/Chitosan Sustainable Hydrogels in SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY
By: Maddaloni M., Vassalini I., Alessandri I. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 38 DOI: 10.3390/suschem1030022)

301) Experimental test of exchange fluctuation relations in an open quantum system in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Hernández-Gómez S., Gherardini S., Poggiali F., Cataliotti F. S., Trombettoni A., Cappellaro P., Fabbri N. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 36 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023327)

302) Strong coupling Bose polarons in a two-dimensional gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Ardila LAP., Astrakharchik GE., Giorgini S. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 33 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023405)

303) A Dual-Species Bose-Einstein Condensate with Attractive Interspecies Interactions in CONDENSED MATTER
By: Burchianti A., D’Errico C., Prevedelli M., Salasnich L., Ancilotto F., Modugno M., Minardi F., Fort C. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.3390/condmat5010021)

304) Realization of a deeply subwavelength adiabatic optical lattice in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Anderson RP., Trypogeorgos D., Valdys-Curiel A., Liang QY., Tao J., Zhao M., Andrijauskas T., Juzeliunas G., Spielman IB. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013149)

305) Experimental measurements of a joint 5G-VLC communication for future vehicular networks in JOURNAL OF SENSOR AND ACTUATOR NETWORKS
By: Marabissi D., Mucchi L., Caputo S., Nizzi F., Pecorella T., Fantacci R., Nawaz T., Seminara M., Catani J. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.3390/jsan9030032)

306) Quantum computing model of an artificial neuron with continuously valued input data in MACHINE LEARNING-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
By: Mangini S., Tacchino F., Gerace D., Macchiavello C., Bajoni D. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.1088/2632-2153/abaf98)

307) A Molecule-Based Single-Photon Source Applied in Quantum Radiometry in ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
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308) Ergoregion instabilities in rotating two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates: Perspectives on the stability of quantized vortices in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Giacomelli L., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033139)

309) Kibble-Zurek dynamics in a trapped ultracold Bose gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Liu IK., Dziarmaga J., Gou SC., Dalfovo F., Proukakis N.P. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 22 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033183)

310) Intense proton acceleration in ultrarelativistic interaction with nanochannels in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Gizzi LA., Cristoforetti G.,1, Baffigi F., Brandi F., D’Arrigo G., Fazzi A., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Maero G., Palla D., Romé M., Russo M., Terzani D., Tomassini P. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 21 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033451)

311) Charge and statistics of lattice quasiholes from density measurements: A tree tensor network study in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Macaluso E., Comparin T., Umucalilar RO., Gerster M., Montangero S., Rizzi M., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 19 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013145)

312) A 3D Polymeric Platform for Photonic Quantum Technologies in ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
By: Colautti M., Lombardi P., Trapuzzano M., Piccioli F., Pazzagli S., Tiribilli S., Nocentini S., Cataliotti F.S., Wiersma D.S., Toninelli C. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1002/qute.202000004)

313) Robustness of gauge-invariant dynamics against defects in ultracold-atom gauge theories in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Halimeh JC., Ott R., McCulloch IP., Yang B., Hauke P. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033361)

314) Dense coding capacity of a quantum channel in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Laurenza R., Lupo C., Lloyd S., Pirandola S. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023023)

315) Low-latency VLC system with fresnel receiver for I2V ITS applications in JOURNAL OF SENSOR AND ACTUATOR NETWORKS
By: Nawaz T., Seminara M., Caputo S., Mucchi L., Catani J. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.3390/jsan9030035)

316) Nanostars-decorated microfluidic sensors for surface enhanced Raman scattering targeting of biomolecules in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-PHOTONICS
By: Dallari C., Credi C., Lenci E., Trabocchi A., Cicchi R., Pavone FS. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1088/2515-7647/ab869a)

317) Neural-network approach for identifying nonclassicality from click-counting data in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Gebhart V., Bohmann M. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023150)

318) A Review on Electrodes Used in Electroorganic Synthesis and the Significance of Coupled Electrocatalytic Reactions in JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY
By: Karthik P.E., Alessandri I., Sengeni A. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/abb0f2)

319) Nonequilibrium readiness and precision of Gaussian quantum thermometers in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Mancino L., Genoni MG., Barbieri M., Paternostro M. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033498)

320) Quantum fluctuations beyond the Gutzwiller approximation in the Bose-Hubbard model in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Caleffi F., Capone M., Menotti C., Carusotto I., Recati A. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033276)

321) Beyond Born-Oppenheimer approximation in ultracold atomic collisions in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Tiemann E., Gersema P., Voges K.K., Hartmann T., Zenesini A., Ospelkaus S. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013366)

322) Discrimination of thermal baths by single-qubit probes in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Gianani I., Farina D., Barbieri M., Cimini V., Cavina V., Giovannetti V. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033497)

323) Progress in a Vacuum Weight Search Experiment in PHYSICS
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324) Zero-point excitation of a circularly moving detector in an atomic condensate and phonon laser dynamical instabilities in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Marino J., Menezes G., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.042009)

325) Compressively Certifying Quantum Measurements in PRX QUANTUM
By: Gianani I., Teo YS., Cimini V., Jeong H., Leuchs G., Barbieri M., Sanchez-Soto LL. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.1.020307)

326) Galilean boosts and superfluidity of resonantly driven polariton fluids in the presence of an incoherent reservoir in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Amelio I., Minguzzi A., Richard M., Carusotto I. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023158)

327) Quantum-Heat Fluctuation Relations in Three-Level Systems Under Projective Measurements in CONDENSED MATTER
By: Giachetti G., Gherardini S., Trombettoni A., Ruffo S. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.3390/condmat5010017)

328) Wall Mosaics: A Review of On-Site Non-Invasive Methods, Application Challenges and New Frontiers for Their Study and Preservation in JOURNAL OF IMAGING
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329) Nonlinear dynamical response of interacting bosons to synthetic electric field in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Roy A., Bera S., Saha K. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043133)

330) Irreversibility mitigation in unital non-Markovian quantum evolutions in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Gherardini S.; Marcantoni S.; Caruso F. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033250)

331) TERESA Target Area at ELI Beamlines in QUANTUM BEAM SCIENCE
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332) Loading and cooling in an optical trap via hyperfine dark states in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Naik D. S., Eneriz-Imaz H., Carey M., Freegarde T., Minardi F., Battelier B., Bouyer P., Bertoldi A. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013212)

333) Advanced multimodal laser imaging tool for urothelial carcinoma diagnosis (AMPLITUDE) in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-PHOTONICS
By: Kurilchik S., Gacci M., Cicchi R., Pavone FS., Morselli S., Serni S., Chou MH., Narhi M., Rafailov E., Stewart N., Lennon C., Gumenyuk R. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1088/2515-7647/ab7bab)

334) Bioinspired self-similar all-dielectric antennas: probing the effect of secondary scattering centres by Raman spectroscopy in MATERIALS ADVANCES
By: Alessandri I., Carletti L., Ferroni M., De Angelis C., Vassalini I. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1039/d0ma00509f)

335) Effects of a dissipative coupling to the momentum of a particle in a double well potential in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Maile D., Andergassen S., Rastelli G. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013226)

336) Bounding the Classical Capacity of Multilevel Damping Quantum Channels in ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES
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337) Entanglement dynamics in dissipative photonic Mott insulators in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
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338) Interferences between Bogoliubov excitations in superfluids of light in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH
By: Fontaine Q., Larré P.Y., Lerario G., Bienaimy T., Pigeon S., Faccio D., Carusotto I., Giacobino Y., Bramati A., Glorieux Q. Year: 2020 ( DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043297)

339) Structural and Chemical Modifications of Carbon Dioxide on Transport to the Deep Earth in CARBON IN EARTH´S INTERIOR
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