Super-resonant Coherent Absorption Sensing
Anno: 2018
Autori: Malara P.; Campanella C. E.; Giorgini A.; Avino S.; De Natale P.; Gagliardi G.
Affiliazione autori: CNR, INO, Via Campi Flegrei 34, Pozzuoli, NA, Italy; QOpSys Srls, Via Matteotti 23, Bari, Italy; CNR, INO, Largo E Fermi 6, Florence, Italy
Abstract: In this work, we analyze the possibility of exploiting the recently demonstrated super-resonant intracavity coherent absorption effect for quantitative sensing applications. The method relies on a system of two nested resonators (ring and Fabry-Perot) which allows to increase the radiation-matter interaction pathlength by a factor proportional to the product of the two resonator’s individual finesse coefficients. In this way, it is possible to dramatically increase the interaction of intracavity radiation with a weakly absorbing sample without need of an ultra-high finesse optical cavity. Here, we propose a measurement strategy that allows to exploit the super-resonant enhancement provided by the nested-resonators system and cancel out the noise connected with the radiation source at the same time, and compare it to a conventional cavity-enhanced absorption measurement.
Titolo Convegno:
Parole chiavi: Coherent perfect absorption and transparency; Absorption spectroscopy; Fabry-Perot interferometers; Light absorption; Resonators, Absorption sensing; Cavity enhanced absorption; Coupled resonator; Finesse coefficients; Measurement strategies; Resonant enhancements; Sensing applications, NanoelectronicsLink per visualizzare la scheda su IsiWeb: Clicca qui