Test of the symmetrization postulate for spin-0 particles

Anno: 1996

Autori: de Angelis M., Gagliardi G., Gianfrani L., Tino G. M.

Affiliazione autori: Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università di Napoli “Federico II, ” Mostra d’Oltremare, Napoli, 20-80125, Italy

Abstract: We investigated the spectrum of the O-16(2) molecule by high-sensitivity laser spectroscopy and searched for transitions involving states which are antisymmetric under the exchange of the nuclei. These states are forbidden by the symmetrization postulate of quantum mechanics. This is the first reported experiment to test the symmetrization postulate for integer-spin particles to high precision. Our data set an upper limit of 5 x 10(-7) to a possible violation of this postulate.


Volume: 76 (16)      Da Pagina: 2840  A: 2843

Parole chiavi: Molecular oxygen forbidden transitions; Diode laser spectroscopy; Wavelength modulation; Spi-statistics theory; Spin-0 particles
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.2840

Citazioni: 53
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