Electron scattering effects in master mask fabrication by single layer process for submicron x-ray lithography.
Anno: 1989
Autori: Gentili M., Lucchesini A., Lugli P., Messina G., Paoletti A., Santangelo S., Tucciarone A., Petrocco G.
Affiliazione autori: IESS – CNR – Roma – Italy
(1)Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Università Roma II – Roma – Italy;
(2)Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università – Reggio Calabria – ltalia.
Abstract: A single layer process in electroplated master mask making is discussed. The results of a Monte Carlo simulation are utilized in order to calculate the proximity function and compare theory with experimental test patterns. Silicon membranes are utilized (2 µm thick) and the variables investigated are resist thickness (1O000 and 5000 Å), metallic layer plating base (varying thickness) and electron accelerating voltage (20-40 kV). The results show quantitatively how high resolution patterns mainly depend on forward scattering in the resist (thus on resist thickness) and backscattering from the metallic layer. In particular, 500 Å of Au plating base may hinder the possibility of high resolution, which can be improved by lowering either the thickness or the Z of the metallic layers. Finally the possibility of obtaining high-contrast master masks down to 0.3 µm linewidth by a single layer process is demonstrated.
Volume: 7 Da Pagina: 1586 A: 1590
Maggiori informazioni: doi: 10.1116/1.584494Parole chiavi: electron beam lithography; Monte Carlo; X-ray masks; lift-off; DOI: 10.1116/1.584494Citazioni: 11dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-02-02Riferimenti tratti da Isi Web of Knowledge: (solo abbonati)