1-mJ Q-switched diode-pumped Nd : BaY2F8 laser

Anno: 2004

Autori: Agnesi A., Carraro G., Guandalini A., Reali G., Sani E., Toncelli A., Tonelli M.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia e Dipartimento di Elettronica dell’Università di Pavia, Via Ferrata 1 – 27100 Pavia (Italy);
NEST – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia e Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Pisa, Via Buonarroti 2 – 56127 Pisa (Italy)

Abstract: We report what is to our knowledge the first high repetition rate Q-switched Nd:BaY2F8 (Nd:BaYF) laser pumped with a multiwatt fiber-coupled diode array tuned at 806 nm. As much as 2.42 W of average power and up to 1.05 mJ of pulse energy were obtained with 6.1 W of absorbed pump power, with excellent beam quality (M-2<1.2) and linear polarization. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America. Giornale/Rivista: OPTICS EXPRESS

Volume: 12 (16)      Da Pagina: 3765  A: 3769

Parole chiavi: Bandwidth; Diffraction; Fluorescence; Fracture; Laser mode locking; Laser pulses; Light polarization; Neodymium; Optical properties; Thermodynamic properties, Diode-pumped; Laser materials; Pulse energy; Q-switched, Semiconductor lasers
DOI: 10.1364/OPEX.12.003765

Citazioni: 4
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